Central Fzalder

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

  • Adelaide
  • Anika
  • Annora
  • Clotilda
  • Eira
  • Fiona
  • Genevieve
  • Ginevra
  • Helen
  • Joan
  • Kutaka
  • Luthera
  • Odo
  • Petra
  • Scarlett
  • Seiy
  • Sibin
  • Viero
  • Viviari
  • Winnifred
  • Zelda

Masculine names

  • Abba
  • Abbot
  • Alaric
  • Arne
  • Cassian
  • Cassius
  • Cathal
  • Cathasach
  • Elric
  • Emil
  • Grimwald
  • Hamlin
  • Hawk
  • Hyilin
  • Lainer
  • Lancaster
  • Leif
  • Lennon
  • Orvyn
  • Pycard

Unisex names

  • Accorsa
  • Ado
  • Aleyn
  • Aquila
  • Asmi
  • Bedacis
  • Beowulf
  • Byrd
  • Clement
  • Drew
  • Florian
  • Garbone
  • Gervaise
  • Ikozal
  • Laeñosch
  • Rogue
  • Valens
  • Venuto
  • Vigil
  • Volkran

Family names

  • Angalt
  • Arkan
  • Arunith
  • Ashmane
  • Astralan
  • Benoist
  • Bragroth
  • Dongon
  • Dunas
  • Emvuld
  • Ikozal
  • Impinski
  • Kæñosch
  • Kyrlny
  • Nilo
  • Okothol
  • Ostrek
  • Rowmela
  • Thazag
  • Tilvos


Major language groups and dialects

New Tongue, Old Tongue

Shared customary codes and values

In general, it’s believed that the individual is more important than the collective when it comes to freedom. The only thing that overrides this is when the collective is in trouble. This developed after the province was briefly controlled by an anti-ivierae high elf who attempted to make their culture illegal, and everyone gathered together to protest by explicitly practising said culture.

Common Etiquette rules

Those who practise Rites of Passage are required by social law to wear cae. As such, many practise ROP for the sake of avoiding ostracism.

Common Dress code

Those who practise Rites of Passage are expected to wear cae, otherwise there isn’t much emphasis on what adults should wear. Children however are expected to wear camouflaged garments to indicate to others that their children; which helps them hide in case they’re in danger.

Art & Architecture

Statues made of rock or redwood trees are very popular in this culture, being what they use to commemorate those seen as heroes like Cassius Benoist. Rock is used largely in this culture as the high elves had extra rock they carved out when making their floating island. No one wanted it, except the ivierae who didn’t want to cut into trees at the time to make their homes. It’s not uncommon to see many houses made of either rock or brick. Those made of rock are often made without any mortar.

Foods & Cuisine

The cuisine is split between omnivores and herbivores. Ivierae largely live off a diet based on berries solely as it’s the easiest they grow, though other species having different requirements require meat. For omnivores, many base their diet off of cattle, bears, or rodents like rabbits. They dare not touch elk and deer, as they’re seen as sacred.

Coming of Age Rites

Most people in this area practise Rites of Passage regardless of race, although ivierae are more likely to practise it.   Aside for ROP, kids are taught at a young age to become independent as best as possible, allowing them to interact with strangers on their own as a test to see how responsible they are.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Funerary customs differ largely, but overall people expect to not have their wishes granted for what’s done to them after death. Because people were often struggling to live, it wasn’t always within reachable means to take care of bodies in specific ways. The most common ways were to leave the naked body out to decompose in nature, buried to decompose in the wild, or buried within farms to help fertilise the soil.

Historical figures

Cassius Benoist, Viero Emvuld, and Cathal Angalt.


Beauty Ideals

More demonic traits like horns, tails, extra limbs and parts are considered to be generally more attractive

Gender Ideals

They largely agree that there are no “ideals for gender” except whatever someone identifies as. Some people think it to mean what they’ve born with or the parts they currently have, while others think it to mean more social aspects of identity.

Courtship Ideals

Gifting is a large aspect of courtship. Especially because many in this area struggle with getting the resources needed, it’s considered an act of love or deep caring to gift someone an item or service.

Relationship Ideals

It’s considered to be the norm for people to get into relationships of any kind for logical reasons. Rather than just liking someone’s vibe, it’s a more transactional relationship where they exchange goods and services where need be. Polygamy is considered to be the norm especially because of the transactional nature of relationships.

Major organizations

Cassius Province
Parent ethnicities
Related Locations

Cover image: by ArtisticArmoury


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