
Archangel Elysion

Divine Domains

The dead

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lean and muscular

Body Features

He has a second set of arms that’s always praying

Special abilities

Being an angel, he basically has powers similar to a god, with some limits.

Apparel & Accessories

Loves to wear loose robes that are very flowy

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lord Uvie recently had mentioned he plans to retire and move into the afterlife himself, as he was once mortal and is tired of being a god. Lord Fyayn wanted to make his replacement, but Jusniet refused, knowing he’s too biased to be fair to marginalised species. Lady Merthicz agreed, and so so allowed him to created Elysion.   In addition to being Uvie’s protege, he expressed an interest in working with live mortals, upset with the injustice running amok there. To start him off, Jusniet has him running the Ikurini So Guild. He’s absolutely thriving with the guild, being a nice break from the misery of the newly dead.

Gender Identity



Skoliosexual (attracted to non binary people)

Accomplishments & Achievements

Became an apprentice for Lord Uvie, a guide who takes the dead to Uvie and guides them to the proper afterlife. Also became the leader of the Ikurini So Guild .

Intellectual Characteristics

Highly intellectual in philosophy

Morality & Philosophy

He believes in balance between realms, respect for life and death, knowledge and wisdom for all, and justice and mercy.

Personality Characteristics


He plans to eventually become the replacement for Lord Uvie when he retires, being made for the purpose of being an all-loving being to guide the dead (because Jusniet doesn’t trust Fyayn to create another one)

Likes & Dislikes

Likes peaceful transitions, nature, music, art, and wisdom. He hates violent deaths, those disrespectful to the dead, ignorance, greed, and evil entities (like Fyayn).

Virtues & Personality perks

He’s compassionate, patient, merciful, and honest

Vices & Personality flaws

A little too compassionate, rigid sense of justice, overprotective, and had difficulty letting go


Although he doesn’t need to practise hygienic rituals, he still quite enjoys bubble baths every once in a while


Religious Views

A devout follower of Jusniet. He believes in justice for all, and that the cycle of life and death is an important aspect of life in general that should be respected.

Wealth & Financial state

Unlimited wealth, exactly what he needs to run the Ikurini So Guild
Divine Classification
Current Status
Running the Ikurini So guild and aiding souls to Lord Uvie
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Archangel of Death
He/him, ze/zir
Fluid, often androgynous and feminine
Six eyes that glow, ranging from silver to a deep indigo depending on mood
Long brown and curly hair with sparse strands of silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tannish olive skin that seems to glow as if he had stardust on him
245 lbs
Lord Jusniet
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: by ArtisticArmoury


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