Ikurini So Guild


The culture at Ikurini So is warm, inclusive, and progressive, driven by a strong sense of community and mutual support. Every individual is treated with dignity and respect, fostering an environment where satyrs feel safe and valued. Communal activities, such as shared meals, cultural festivals, and creative workshops, help build bonds and celebrate satyr heritage. The organization is dedicated to social justice, advocating for satyr rights and providing educational and vocational opportunities to empower its members. Sustainability is also a core value, reflected in eco-friendly housing projects and a harmonious relationship with nature. The open-door policy encourages understanding and cooperation among all species, making Ikurini So a welcoming haven for anyone seeking support and solidarity.

Public Agenda

A guild dedicated to helping displaced satyr try and find a new home, especially after many were driven out of Darʌkys .


All the assets they receive is granted from Lord Jusniet. They have a main headquarters located in a castle in the North of Symilf, thousands of gold coins and bars, horses, carriages, and a mote for the castle.


The god Jusniet established this guild in response to witnessing the widespread displacement of satyrs from the capital city. This expulsion led to a severe crisis among the satyr population, with many becoming impoverished and homeless, left to wander the outskirts of society with no place to call their own. The plight of these marginalized satyrs was dire, and in their desperation, they turned to Jusniet for help. Their faith in him was rooted in his previous benevolence; during the Human-Ivierae War, Jusniet had come to their aid, offering protection and support when they needed it most. This history of assistance solidified their belief in his compassion and willingness to help those in need. Thus, the guild was born out of necessity and the unwavering trust that Jusniet would once again provide solace and aid to the suffering satyr community.   The guild became largely associated with Lord Jusniet, with even having it be run by one of Jusniet’s angels, Elysion, who helps guide the dead to their final resting place. Thanks to the divine intervention, there’s a guarantee that resources never run out. After a while, Jusniet decided to expand the guild to help more than just the satyr, but anyone struggling to find a home.

“ɦen saɱ, us rok” (Bringing Harmony to Nature and Home)

Activist, Charity
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by ArtisticArmoury


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