Half orc, half human
Basic Information
Dietary Needs and Habits
Ourmoc are omnivores, and require both meat and plants to live, unlike humans who're fine with vegan diets, or orcs who're fine with carnivore diets.
Additional Information
Social Structure
Many orc dominated settlements tend to view them as lesser beings. Human dominated settlements don't care as much, but the bigotry is still there.
Facial characteristics
Their ears aren't quite as long as full-blooded orcs, but definitely pointier than a full-blooded human's ear.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
Ourmoc have better hearing than humans, almost the same as orcs. They also have better inclination to learning magic, but not usually the more advanced systems.
Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms
Ourmoc, like full-blooded orcs, also have spiritual connections to a particular fox at birth that are still just as strong.
300 years
Average Physique
they're much more muscular than humans typically are, but not as beefy as full-blooded orcs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin tone can vary wildly, either human passing, orc passing, or somewhere in the middle. Most ourmoc tend to have green/greenish yellow tint to their skin. Sometimes it can make them look like a sickly human.