
Basic Information


Like most ‘taurs they have a humanoid half and an animal half. For lynçtaurs they’re an elfoid, with a lynç-like head torso and arms. For their head they have lynx ears, and a maw like a lynx on an elven base.   For their animal half, they’re a mix between horses and lynx cats. Their front legs have cat paws and their back legs are hooved. Their tails are mixed, the base having an extended lynx tail, with long horse hair attached to the end of it.

Biological Traits

Unlike centaurs, lynçtaurs are furless with their elven half. The females tend to be much hairier than the males though.

Genetics and Reproduction

They mate just like regular centaurs. The major difference between the two groups is that lynçtaurs are born from eggs like high elves are. You can learn more about how they reproduce over at the High elf article.

Growth Rate & Stages

They grow rather quickly, and like high elves must be played a certain musical frequency to stop the growing. The process is called Full Maturation, and it marks their adulthood.

Ecology and Habitats

They tend to favour moist boreal forests, but do just fine in grasslands, as well as mountainous areas.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Like high elves, they don’t eat food, and instead gather energy by absorbing heat from the sun or magical sources.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

They’re largely used to be harvested for their gem innards, as well as for food when they’re developing inside the eggs. It’s actually the reason this hybrid species was bred to begin with, as the founder of lynçtaurs thought it would be more “humane” to harvest non sentient animals.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Found exclusively in Symilf currently, but there’s plans to migrate some to West Jyalb.

Average Intelligence

Lynçtaurs are very smart. Although most are not sentient (purposefully bred to be) they still exhibit enough intellect to survive on their own, solve problems, and even form packs for survival.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Thanks to having traits of a lynx cat, their sensory capabilities in sight, hearing, and smell is heightened above that of a regular centaur.

Civilization and Culture


Lord Mutø wanted to create a business selling high elf gems, but knew he couldn’t get away with it easily because of how illegal it was to harvest high elves. His solution was to crossbreed a high elf with a centaur, seeing as centaurs were already viewed as wild animals.   Through his process, he managed to make a farm of lynçtaurs who didn’t have any sapience. Eventually he was found out by the government, and was executed for his crimes. Currently a small group that advocates for high elves oversees them, trying to bring back the sapience lost from them.   As of now, there’s only 50 lynçtaurs that have some semblance of sapience, though not enough yet to let them live on their own without aid.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
100 years
Conservation Status
They’re a very new species cropping up, so they’re considered endangered with their low numbers. At the moment there’s only a small group helping facilitate their survival, and it’s split with how they want to help the lynçtaurs.
Average Height
Roughly 4 feet from paws to the top of their head.
Average Physique
They tend to be a bit chubby
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Coat patterns vary widely, as they can display either horse or lynx patterns, or even a mix of both on rare occasions. They tend to be grey in colour, but often times their fur changes colour similar to their gem insides once reaching full maturation.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by ArtisticArmoury

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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