Official Jolankhilyas Library

Purpose / Function

The library serves as a safe way to gift others books with the option to buy them if the person receiving it likes it. Books are checked out for free, and if the person who gets it likes it they can pay for the book when it’s time to return it. It serves as a safe method to help picky readers find the right book for them, as well as helping make books more easily accessible.


It was built into the largest redwood tree in all of Mirthae, with the seed coming from a dark elf who openly opposed the book bans.


The tree has enchantments on it designed to curse whoever enters with malicious intent. It was set up by the current owner of the library.


During the reign of Highking Λis, he vowed to return the Symilf kingdom and started his assault with Shiza, thinking them to be an easy target because of their size. He tried to ban books, especially those involving fiction or folklore, but it was widely protested against. One of the first residents, a dark elf named Melia Çol, was the first to openly resist and did so by murdering any knights that stepped foot into her home village.   She was quite elderly at that point so her powers were weakening, but she held on strong, strong enough to inspire others to rebel. At the end of the occupation Melia unfortunately went on her death bed. Her dying wish was to have them plant one of the seeds she would disintegrate into and utilise it as a symbol for freedom. That seed became the largest redwood tree in the world, big enough to house an entire village. It’s said that her spirit guards the library still to this day and always will, and it seems likely as the climate in the area is much more mild than the rest of Shiza.


It’s both very popular, but also unknown. Because it’s from Shiza not many know about it, but those who do are big fans of the library and will often pay an arm and a leg just to visit it, even if they’re coming all the way from Jyalb. As a giant library, they also have beds for guests to stay in, which is especially useful in the winter months.
Parent Location

Cover image: by ArtisticArmoury


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