Cobalt Depths Geographic Location in Mistral | World Anvil
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Cobalt Depths

The hunting grounds of the Enna Tribe lie along the northern edge of the Oenthas Shallows, marking the border of the sea elven territory.

The Enna Tribe is known for being more savage than most sea elves, due to their cultural heritage and ongoing rites of passage. The savagery is a direct result of their territory - the edge of the Shallows attract many creatures of the deep and the Enna Tribe has acted as its protectors for centuries.   As a cultural practice, the tribe self-culls their numbers each generation, in an "only the strongest survive" style combat. Those who are defeated may be granted the mercy (or shame) of exile, but it is entirely up to the victor's decision. Despite this bloody rite of passage, the bonds between tribe members are incredibly close and the rite itself is viewed with pride and even some excitement by the youngest generation.


Primarily made up of coral reef and flat expanses of sand, this area of the Shallows gets plenty of sunlight. Beyond the reef's edge is a kelp forest, and steep bluff that drops down hundreds of feet before disappearing into the darkness of the deep ocean.
Gulf / Lagoon
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