Oenthas Shallows Geographic Location in Mistral | World Anvil
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Oenthas Shallows

Home to the Oenthan sea elves, the Shallows are a large expanse of open water off the western edge of Ishval. They support a vast array of wildlife, and the sea elves who live in the sunny waters there are an exceptionally friendly group.   The shoals and lack of depth mean that ships have trouble sailing very far into the Oenthas Shallows - most trading with the sea elves of the area is done in small coastal villages that have been set up as trading posts.  


The Oenthas Shallows are dotted by a wide array of coral reefs and boast one of the strongest warm water currents on Mistral. This warmer current and the sunlight that reaches the Shallows allow the area to support diverse wildlife, a feature that the sea elves of the area are very grateful for.
Gulf / Lagoon
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Inhabiting Species

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