Firbolg Species in Mistral | World Anvil
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The firbolg tribes of Mistral spend their days alongside the wood elves, in the small northern villages that dot the Sprucethorn Forests. They see the forests as the most sacred of places, representing the heart of Mistral and the lifeblood that keeps it going.
Alongside their role as caretakers of the delicate Sprucethorn Forests, firbolgs are the primary harvesters of the amber that empowers Mistral's healers. Their methods reflect centuries of reverence for the trees, and they would rather stop all harvest of a thicket and face famine, than risk straining the forest's delicate balance.   As a race, firbolgs prefer to remain out of sight and out of mind. They may harvest the Sprucethorn's amber, but they are uncomfortable venturing forth to sell it. Instead, they rely on the wood elves to assist them in the act of trading and offer a portion of the profit in return. The symbiotic relationship has resulted in the two races becoming strongly allied over the years, making it not uncommon to find firbolg tribes with multiple elven members.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Wood elves and firbolgs sometimes view lightfoot halflings with disdain due to their penchant for necromancy. They find the practice wasteful and aren't afraid to say it.
400 years
Geographic Distribution
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