Orc Species in Mistral | World Anvil
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The orcs of Mistral value the bonds of family and the strength of their tribes above all else. They believe that an orc without a tribe to support him is not a true orc, and will do anything to keep those they view as family safe.   In times long past, the orcish tribes roamed the Uzos Steppe in great hordes, cutting a bloody path through anything in their way. They would plunder villages, devour roaming herds, and slay any humanoids that stood against them. It was only when they encountered the mighty Dragonborn on their northern migration that they realized their savage way of life was not sustainable. A confederation of the tribes was formed, and together the chieftains decided to quell their bloodthirsty ways and take up a nomadic way of life, in hopes of allowing the Steppe to heal from their conquests.

Uzos Tribes

The orcs of the Uzos Steppe seldom settle permanently, instead converting ruins, cavern complexes, and abandoned villages into fortified camps and strongholds. Their buildings are always temporary and easy to disassemble, with no innovation or improvement to the site of their homes beyond what is necessary for it to be livable.   When an existing territory is depleted of food, an orc tribe divides into roving bands that scout for choice hunting grounds. When each party returns, it brings back trophies and news of their hunts, which are judged by the chieftain. The band with the greatest stories choose the tribe's next home.   On rare occasions, a tribe's leader might choose to hold onto a particularly choice hunting ground for decades. The orcs of such a tribe must range far across the countryside to sate their appetites, a practice which can cause conflict with other tribes or races in the area. Most recently, the Uzos orcs have come into conflict with the Eskan settlers trying to colonize Yshval, due to the human practice of overhunting and their lack of care for the land.   Uzos tribes often adopt orphans that they come across on their travels, due to their culture's strong focus on the importance of family. They believe a tribe does not need to be made up of only blood ties, and raise the orphans as they would raise any orcish child.  

Emirates of Ines

Some of the orcish tribes chose to migrate north with the dragonborn, settling alongside them and forming the Emirates of Ines. These orcs have lost their nomadic way of life, but continue to pass on their ancestral values to the younger generations.

Basic Information


Orcs regard scars as marks of honour, power, and even beauty. Battle scars are their way of showing their past victories and losses, and many orcs will choose clothing that emphasizes their proudest scars.   Tattoos and brands are common among orcs, as well. Because the race has very little written history, a clan's chief or sage will often tattoo themselves with the history of their people in order to preserve the stories. Warriors might brand themselves with the mark of their clan, or tattoo their greatest victories across their backs to show everyone their might. This is less common in the Emirates of Ines, out of respect for the goliath tribes and their views on body markings.

Genetics and Reproduction

Half-orcs are common in the Uzos tribes & southern sections of Yshval due to the orcish tendency to pick up strays from other races and bring them into their families. Most are half-human or half-elven, simply due to the tribes' proximity to both the Eskan settlers and the Sprucethorn Forests.    Orcish blood runs strong. No matter which race sires the child, they will nearly always display the traits of their orc parent. The sole exception are tieflings, because of their Tyrant heritage.
80 years
Geographic Distribution

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