Sea Elf Species in Mistral | World Anvil
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Sea Elf

Unlike their vain cousins in the deep, sea elves are a friendly and welcoming race. They make their homes on reefs and coastal shelves close to the surface, and strike up bustling trade routes with the races that reside on the surface. 

Empire of Avondosa

The bulk of the sea elf population of Mistral reside in sprawling underwater cities in the Avondosa Sea. These settlements are situated on the coastal shelf that runs through the warmer waters, allowing the elves who reside there to access the plentiful bounties of the sea.    The cities are united under one banner, the Empire of Avondosa, which is regarded by the surface races as one of the most prolific trading empires in the east. In fact, in order to increase trading, the Empire have even adapted their cities to include neighbourhoods equipped with magical seals that allow for dryfolk to live underwater.  

Oenthas Shallows

Despite living in smaller settlements than their brothers and sisters in the Empire, the sea elves who reside in the Oenthas Shallows still welcome any of the surface races who are able to venture beneath the waves. Making their homes on the coral reefs that dot the Shallows, these elves live a more traditionally "rural" lifestyle compared to those that reside in the empire. Many of the Oenthan elves go on to lives of sailing, piracy, or adventure.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

There are fair few half-sea elves in Mistral, largely due to the ease with which non-amphibious races can live in the cities of the Avondosa Sea.   Its quite common for half-sea elves to take after their aquatic parent, adapting the ability to breath underwater and move through the ocean with ease. As a result, those that take after their non-aquatic parent often feel a sense of isolation amongst their peers and may choose to live on the surface, rather than stay below the waves.
350 years
Geographic Distribution

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