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Sun's Peak

The largest and most successful city in the Scorched Fields, and home to the seat of power for the Kingdom of Aakazh. Sun's Peak is worthy of its title as a metropolis and an oasis among the dunes, and is known worldwide for its brutal fighting pits.

The Fields of Fury

At the center of the city and always a hub of activity, the Fields of Fury are a series of arenas and coliseums that are central to the Aakazh way of life. Citizens of the Kingdom are not considered true warriors until they've fought in the pits and emerged victorious. Its the dream of every young dragonborn to one day hear their name echoing across the sand, chanted by the crowds who come to watch the bloodshed.


As the capital of the Kingdom of Aakazh, Sun's Peak is mainly inhabited by gold, brass, and bronze dragonborn. The city allows all races to live within it, but many of the dragonborn residents won't consider newcomers to be true citizens until they prove themselves as warriors.   There is a larger than average percentage of tieflings within Sun's Peak - tiefling clans that are looking for a place to settle temporarily will often enter the city and ply their wares.


The Caliph rules the Kingdom of Aakazh and by extension, Sun's Peak. Due to the nature of the Caliph's position, the holder of the title often changes. Currently it is held by a bronze dragonborn named Nadarr Norixuss.


The city is built along the bank of the Glory River, the only major tributary in the Scorched Fields. The river not only provides fresh water for the city, but also allows for barges to bring goods from trading ports closer to the sea.
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