Wood Elf Species in Mistral | World Anvil
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Wood Elf

Most wood elves in Mistral dwell in the forest villages of the Sprucethorn Forests. They consider themselves the protectors of the forests and keep careful watch over their home, focusing on living in harmony with nature rather than trying to dominate it.
Where firbolgs are the caretakers of the Sprucethorn Forests, the wood elves are its wardens. They keep outsiders from harming the fragile ecosystems, and are the ones who broker trade of the amber that empowers Mistral's healers. Their relationship with firbolg tribes has resulted in the two races becoming strongly allied over the years, and many wood elf villages house at least one firbolg tribe.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Most half-elves of wood elf heritage are either half-human or half-orcish, due to the Sprucethorn Forests' proximity to both the Uzos Tribes and the Eskan settlers.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Wood elves and firbolgs sometimes view lightfoot halflings with disdain due to their penchant for necromancy. They find the practice wasteful and aren't afraid to say it.
350 years
Geographic Distribution
Related Materials

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