Ascur Abbey Settlement in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Ascur Abbey

The Abbey of Ascur, in the Kingdom of Kaldor, is held by the church of Larani, Order of the Spear of Shattered Sorrow, and headquarters of the Warden of Fyaslor Forest for the Sheriff of Nephshire.

Ascur is a small, clean, well-run village in an isolated, idyllic location. On the shores of Lake Valona, it is built in the most unspoiled part of Fyaslor Forest. However, all is not as it seems.

Nearby is Bromela, an ancient Elven Taur-im-Aina, also known as Barasi Points or Holy Grove. This elven ruin lies 20 feet beneath Lake Valona and occasionally opens gateways to other locations and worlds. Many creatures have been known to pass through, some drown, and others can be hazardous. It is the responsibility of the Warden of Fyaslor Forest to deal with these threats. Trophies of many of these monsters line the walls of the local hide workers' workshop.

Ascur, based on art by Tuomo Aimonen at

1 - Ascur Abbey

Abbot (Serolan) Watkin Ware is also the Warden of Fyaslor Forest. The temple is modest and has four junior priests and five acolytes, but it does have an impressive, somewhat eclectic library. Its eastern stained glass window displays what looks like an elven ruin surrounded by floating balls of light. This could represent Bromela.

Attached to the temple is the forester's lodge housing the Royal Foresters.

2 - Eeler

Owner: Gilpen Danyell Staff: 4 Quality: Good Prices: Average Specialty: Picked and smoked eels

Eeler Gilpen Danyell has grown wealthy after he constructed large breeding tanks for Eels. He selects the best fish for his famous picked and smoked products, which he export widely, and releases rest back into the lake. More recently, he has worked with a brewer adding alcohol to extend his preservations.

3 - Hideworker

Owner: Serrell Wood Staff: 2 Quality: Good Prices: High

Serrell and his brother Jameel work hides into a range of leather goods. His brother is a journeyman of the Weaponcrafters Guild, and together they occasionally craft specialty hide and leather armor if any exotic raw materials become available. Their workshop is extraordinary. Bones, chitin plates, hide, and fur of various strange creatures, including those with bizarre horns, ivashu skulls, crocodiles, giants snakes, and many other wondrous creatures, are on display.

4 - Alchemist and Apothecary

Owner: Till Cowper Staff: 2 Quality: Good Prices: High

Till Cowper is a skilled Alchemist, Apothecary, and member of the Guild of Arcane Lore, she took over this franchise from her father when he retired in 721TR. Although she specializes in collecting and selling the rare and unique herbs found around Lake Valona, her passion is for Alchemy. She eagerly awaits any strange creature washing on the lake's shorelines so she can harvest its body parts for her various experiments and potions. Such finds are rare but highly profitable.

5 - Green Apple Inn

Owner: Nira Grimes Staff: 3 Quality: Average Prices: Average Specialty: Apple Cider

This is a small Inn run by the widow Nira and her twin sons. The Inn does not have an ostler; however, the adjacent barn can be used by travelers to care for their own horses.


The ancient elves used Bromela as a Taur-im-Aina or traveling grove. About two millennia ago several rivers changed course and Lake Valona formed. Bromela was abandoned and is now 20ft underwater.

557TR - Bromyl Manor was founded by Sir Cyvis Algelmor after he won the Olokand tourney.

672TR - This manor was undercut during a severe flood and abandoned.

674TR - Ascuars Abbey founded.

699TR - The King visits Ascur Abbey and is impressed with its isolated beauty. He gives the high priest the duties of the Warden of Fyaslor Forest.

Order of the Spear of Shattered Sorrow

by Columbia Games

Ascur Abbey

Ascur, based on art by Tuomo Aimonen at

Founding Date

Prominent NPCs

Abbot (Serolan) Watkin Ware

Serolan Watkin is the High Priest of the Abbey as well as the forest warden Fyaslor Forest.

The Abbot is a moral hard working man but he lacks confidence and is often wracked by indecision.

Abbot Wakin, art by Artbreeder

Forest Ranger Gillete Boukle

The village's best archer.

Forester Gillete, art by Artbreeder

Cover image: Ascur, based on art by Tuomo Aimonen at by Attacus


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