Session 352 - Underwater Gateway Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 352 - Underwater Gateway

General Summary

The Story So Far

The King is dead. Long live the King.

King Minigath Elendsa, who had ruled the Kingdom of Kaldor well for thirty-three years, has been assassinated. His nephew, Sir Conwan Elendsa, has been crowned King, but the former King's bastard son, Sir Maldan Harabor, has contested this and made his own claim.

While the kingdom is embroiled in a civil war, the mysterious Esoterical Order of Lothrim has struck, and armies of orcs, many thousands strong, have invaded the fractured realm.

The heroes have arrived at Minarsas Castle to meet with the King and Earl Declaen Caldeth. King Conwan Elendsa has defeated a large orcish army and is making plans for the remainder of the Autumn campaigns.

Meanwhile, Dryueh investigated his nemesis, Incabulos, the remaining member of an evil trio who has been sealing the life essence of Elves to create Potions of Longevity.

This is the continuation of Session 350 - Justice.

Location - Baseta Keep in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

5th Azura (Autumn) 727TR

Part 1 – Meeting with The King

Sheriff Sir Conwan Elendsa.jpeg
Sheriff Conwan, art by Artbreeder
Rycon and Valeria meet with King Conwan Elendsa and Earl Declaen Caldeth at the Earl's Castle of Minarsas. Both are grateful for their efforts in holding Baseta Keep against determined orcish armies. The vital intelligence they have discovered is also of enormous assistance.

Earl Decaen, art by Artbreeder
Earl Declaen grants Rycon the full use of any resources of the Barony of Baseta, and the King has a more important duty to him. He makes Rycon Marshall of the Northern Armies. He has formal command of any remaining military resources in the northern third of the Kingdom. Unfortunately, these resources are scarce: only the Barony of Baseta, a dozen hold-out manors, and any guerrilla forces. He is also instructed to strike at the leadership of the Order of Lothrim.

The King also informs Rycon that any former rebels would be pardoned if they acknowledged Conwan as their liege. This includes Sheriff Maldan Harabor; however, his location is not known.

Part 2 - On the Trail of a Murderer

Meanwhile, Dryueh spends this time trying to track down the elf-killing wizard Incabulous. After many dead ends, he learns of a mysterious figure matching the evil wizard's description visiting Ascur Abbey. This isolated Abbey is behind enemy lines, but as yet, it has not been overrun by the enemy, as they may be unaware of its importance as a base for the Royal Foresters.

Ascure is unusual as it is located close to Bromela, a Barasi Point or Elven Holy Grove, which can be used to travel to distant locations. All manner of monsters sometimes emerge from this mystical gateway, and it is the responsibility of the Royal Foresters to deal with them. Incabulous stole the Nolah’s Flute, a magical artifact, and allowed him to travel using these waypoints.

The heroes go to Ascur Abbey; as Marshall of the Northern Armies, Rycon commands the foresters.

Part 3 – Ascur Abbey

Abbot Wakin, art by Artbreeder
While Rycon meets with Abbot Watkin of Ware, who is also the Warden of Fyaslor Forest, Dryeuh looks for any evidence of Incabulous. The man who recently visited the settlement was probably him, and he left the settlement heading towards Bromela a week ago. Bromela is an ancient elven ruin made of marble located about a hundred yards out in the lake and at a 15ft depth.

Valeria casts Fly on herself and Rycon, and they carry Dryueh over the water to investigate.

Part 4 – A Hydra

The underwater ruins surround a 10-foot-diameter marble disc. Its broken walls are covered with elven symbols, symbolic representations of objects like swans, bows, trees, etc. Dryeuh recognizes these as correlating to elven astronomy; each represents star constellations. He thinks he can use them to open the Barasi Point.

But before he can act, something big swims in from the nearby marsh. A huge grey-skinned lizard-like monstrosity with eight long necks with eel-like heads. A Hydra. The creature moves fast in the water and attacks with savage ferocity. It puts up quite a fight. Valeria is swallowed but escapes using magic. Rycon stabs its legs, knocking it prone numerous times, but even so, the monster very nearly kills him. Eventually, it is weakened by the sword and finished off by Valeria’s Magic Missiles. The exhausted heroes have to retreat to rest the night in the village to recover their strength.

Part 5 – Tunnel of Light

The next day the heroes return, and Dryueh opens the gateway. An intense glow of light emanates from the ruin, and the heroes walk into it. They appear in a surreal long passage with light on the other end. While walking onward, two wraith-like forms appear. They seem particularly interested in draining the life force from Valeria, but then she turns the tables, shrouding herself in Cloak of Colors, temporarily blinding them. Even so, the incorporeal undead weakens the heroes before they are defeated, but fortunately, Dryueh's medicines greatly help.

Part 6 – Somewhere Far Away

The heroes emerge from the light in a lightly wooded location. They appear on a 30ft square stone stab engraved with what looks like a complex maze pattern. Looking through her bird companion's eyes, Valeria scouts the area. She thinks they are on an island. Not far away is a settlement, what looks like a Save K’Nor abbey, filled with priests writing manuscripts. Further in the distance is a castle and a small port town.

Rycon thinks they have traveled to his homeland, the Kingdom of Melderyn, also known as the Isle of Wizards.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

King Conwan Elendsa.

Earl Declaen Caldeth.

Serolan (Abbot) Watkin of Ware - the Warden of Fyaslor Forest.

Related Reports

Ascur Abbey.

Barasi Points - Holy Groves - Updated.

Player Characters

Valeria - Human - L16 Shadow Sorcerer

Background - Magical Experiment.

Archetype - Beastmaster.

Rycon - Human - L16 Fighter

Background - Rebel Knight.

Archetypes - Liberator Champion/Dual Weapon Warrior/Swashbuckler.

Dryueh - 1/2 Elf - L16 Thief Rogue

Background - Scout.

Archetypes - Vigilante/Medic/Shadowdancer/Wizard.

Next Session

Session 354 - Dark Ritual.

Legacy of the Foulspawner
Report Date
26 May 2024
Primary Location

Esoterical Order of Lothrim

A secret society of wizards bent on creating a mage-ruled empire on the isle of Harn. They are led by a skilled mage claiming to be the daughter of Lothrim the Foulspawner and control numerous powerful orc nations.

Nolah’s Flute

A magical artifact of the Church of Ilvir, allowing whoever plays it to open and travel through Barasi Points or Holy Groves.

chancay bone flute

The Rekene

The Rekene is located on Glenoth Island. It is a maze carved on a large flat stone, around 30 feet square. Legend has it that walking the maze activates a Barasi Points.

The Rekene, art by Attacus


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