Chelena, Ruined Manor Building / Landmark in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Chelena, Ruined Manor

In 689TR, King Torastra Elendsa of Kaldor planned to expand his kingdom, incorporating the rich Kathela hills into his domain. These would be prime lands for hunting and agriculture. However, this brought him into conflict with the elusive and dangerous Kath Barbarians who violently opposed his ambitions.

The King built Chelena, a fortified manor only six leagues from the City of Tashal, and granted it to the Order of the Lady of Paladins. He used this as a base of operations for his pacification campaign against the Kath.

Unfortunately, his campaign met with disaster in 693TR, and he and forty of his knights were trapped and massacred. King Torastra barely survived the Kath ambush and would soon die from his wounds. Chelena Manor was overrun, raised and occupants put to death. The Kath now consider these ruins a holy site.

Founding Date
Manor house / Meeting hall
Owning Organization

Cover image: Ruins Header by Attacus


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