Kafhexis - the Bringers of Fever in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Kafhexis - the Bringers of Fever

Pathfinder 2E Monster Stat Blocks on Foundry VTT.

These are guidelines only. Named or important monsters are regularly individualized, and there are weak and elite versions.

The Kafhexis is a muscular, reptilian horned ape-like Ivashu with a large gem set in their skulls. They have a red to blue scaley hide and stand four feet tall. They have a unique psionic ability called Fever Beam, which can dramatically increase the body temperature of their animal prey. In some extreme cases, it can cause spontaneous combustion. Strangely, they have a fear of fire.

Kafhexis can be found in temperate or warm caverns, swamps, and forested environments. Their diet includes fish, birds, and mammals, and they have been known to attack humans. These Ivashu have a lifespan of around 50 years, growing more powerful as they age. They can be found as individuals or in small gangs; the bigger the gang, the more violent and aggressive the Kafhexis become. Kafhexis communicate telepathically among themselves but rarely with other creatures and can understand Ivashi.

by Attacus

The gem in their forehead can be removed from a dead Kafhexis with a DC 20 Disabling a Device (Thievery) check; on a critical fail, the gem is destroyed. An artisan with magical talent can cheaply turn these into a Kafhexis Eye Talisman.
by Attacus

Cover image: by Attacus


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