Kwayn Oblam, Priest of Ilvir Character in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Kwayn Oblam, Priest of Ilvir

Kwayn Oblam (a.k.a. The Snake)

Kwayn Oblam appears as a humble priest who manages the Ilvirian Hostel⁣.  He arrived in 719TR from parts unknown and quickly took over the hostel.

Less widely known  he is the secretive leader of the Children of Ilvir⁣, dedicated to freeing any Ivashu used for gladiatorial entertainment in the cities Pamesani Arena⁣.  Known to even fewer he is a Tave, a race form of Ivashu which can take the form of a giant Serpent or Human. 

Physical Description

Body Features

Little body hair.

He is a tall man who wears wrapping concealing his hands and forearms. His first and fourth fingers on each hand appear to have been shortened.

Facial Features

Features shape and angular.

Personality Characteristics


Free Ilivirs⁣ creations from sacrifice in the Pamesani Arena⁣.

Appears Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Appears Male
He wears wrapping concealing his eyes which are serpentine.
Hard to see over the robes but appears bald.
Tall 6'7"
Very thin likely 180lbs.
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

Cover image: by Attacus
Character Portrait image: Kwayn Oblam, art by Tyler Ryan
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