Odivshe Chantry - Ancient Tower of the Eternal Flow of Life

This Chantry of Arcane Lore, dedicated to the wizard Convocation of Odivshe of the Shek-Pvar, was established in 503 BT and is considered one of the best in Lythia. Arcanists study water, darkness, and cold Magic. This building was built near an enchanted stream, reputably the home of all manner of water sprites and elementals.

The Chantry currently has Twelve resident Master Water Mages and half a dozen apprentices.

Purpose / Function

To study and manipulate the magical arts of Water and Cold magic.


The Chantry is a seven-story tower with suites for twelve masters, capped with a large dome-like Cistern. This Cistern provides running water to the tower via a series of in-wall pipes.

The ground level has a magnificent fountain.

The resident masters use the top three chambers for magical experimentation and summoning. Each chamber is an Odivshe Sanctum.

The dome atop the tower holds five hundred gallons of water. This is keep filled by apprentices using both conventional (buckets) and magical means.

Prominent Guild Members and Staff.

Seneschal Firden Uru

Firden Uru, art by Artbreeder
Firden Uru is an able administrator supervising the cooks, maids, and servants. He keeps the Chantry running with minimal supervision from the Masters. He has no magical abilities.

Shenava Elewisa Berea

Water Wizard, art by Artbreeder
Elewisa Berea is a well-liked and respected Shenava (Master Wizard) of Cold Magic who mysteriously disappeared in late 722TR. Foul deeds are suspected. Strangely she was not popular among the Chantry's staff.

The truth
In reality, she was a 1,000-year-old body-swapping Witch.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
Ancient Tower of the Eternal Flow of Life
College / Academy
Parent Location

Odivshe Sanctum

The fifth, sixth and seventh floors are Odivshe Sanctums that are used for magical experimentation.

Each has the following properties;

All objects or characters within the sanctum warded against Fire and Radiant damage. Damage done by these energy sources is halved. Nothing will catch alight or burn within the sanctum. Additionally, any summoned entity is confined to the Sanctum unless the conjurer wished otherwise.

A spellcaster may use one of his Magic Item attunement slots to attune to the sanctums to gain the following benefits.

  • They gain One Spell slot higher than their current casting capacity (maximum level 7), which can be used for any cold or water-based magic spell.
  • The cost and time of Spell Research into such spells are halved.
  • The cost of Magic Item Creation magic is reduced by 25%, provided the item has an Odivshe theme.
  • Arcana checks relating to the magical properties of Water Magic are made at +3.

Cover image: by Attacus


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