Order of the White Hand in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Order of the White Hand

Much of the inspiration and details is derived from Colombia Games

This secret Ancient and Esoteric Order of the Gentle White Hand is made up of masters of various magical disciplines and has the purpose of dealing with the unsanctioned illegal use or abuse of magic. They deal with renegade arcanists, interplanar invasions, and cover-up magical events that would bring the wrath of the normal non-magical folk.

They want to prevent a re-occurrence of the Wizard Lothrim, the Foulspawner creating orc armies and attempting to take over the world


An example of the White Hand in action would be a wizard using her magic, such as fireballs, to help her knight brother capture a keep. Using magic in this way is not sanctioned by the guild as it may encourage other non-magical authorities to restrict spellcasters or, worse, start the persecution of mages.

The White Hand would declare the wizard renegade and attempt to kill her if possible. The civilians who witnessed the fireballs would have their memories changed; all they remember was swamp gas exploding, and if possible, the original owner of the keep would be restored.

The White Hand has agents in all the main cities and is headquartered in the Cherafir chantry on the Kingdom of Melderyn. It is an invitation-only organization that selects the best, brightest, and most loyal among the various Guilds of Arcane Lore.

Known Members of the White Hand

Viran (Grandmaster) Ceredig Yerwold

Ceredig Yerwold, art by Artbreeder
The leader of the White hand. Ceredig is a serious and dedicated master of Elemental Magic and a talented psionicist.

Senior Agent Arrilion the Lexigrapher

Arrilion, art by Attacus
An ancient elf and member of the White Hand for over 1,000 years. He has no memory of his life in the Kingdom of Evael.

Agent Lady Bresyn Risai

Lady Bresyn, art by Artbreeder
Bresyn is the charming White Hand agent in the City of Tashal.

Senior Agent Khâl

Khâl, by Artbreeder
A Kulzdul weaponsmith, fire mage, and occasional kleptomaniac.

Senior Agent Gaerin

Gaerin, art by Artflo
A dour physician and talented, exceptionally capable alchemist. Gaerin always has his surgeon's knife available for healing or assassination. 

Agent Jolanta

A young talented agent and very skilled investigator. She specializes in disintegration magic.

Cover image: White Hand Header


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