Saint Andrada Character in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Saint Andrada

The Knight of the Shadows.

Saint Andrada Alarie was the founder of the Hârnic chapter of the Argent Order and famous for routing out Morgathic cults in the newly formed Kingdom of Kanday. His heroic deeds are legendary.

Life and Achievements

Andrada Alarie was born in 587TR of minor nobility in the Kingdom of Trierzon near the contested border with the Kingdom of Shorkyne. His family died in a border skirmish, and as an orphan, he was taken in by the Church of Larani. He excelled in both doctrine and martial arts.

He joined the Argent Order and in 615TR was sent to support the struggling Church in the mysterious Isle of Hârn.

In 623TR Andrada founded the Hârnic chapter of the Argent Order. He allied with the Dwarven weapon crafting Clan of Hazadul who have since supplied magical silver weapons, which are used all over the western world to defeat the forces of darkness.

He received considerable support and the donation of land for the Order from his friend and mentor King Andasin I of Kanday. Legend has it that he saved King Andasin's life from an assassin who could not be touched by steel.

Andrada wielded the legendary Silver Sword Azure Flame, which still adores the chapel at the Abbey of St Andrada. He also had an enchanted shield that warded him against the foul taint of the undead. However, this has been lost.

He died leading a squad against a Navehan Temple hidden in the City of Aleath in the winter of 649TR.

Andrada was canonized in 663TR.

587 TR 649 TR 62 years old
Aligned Organization

Argent Order

Argent Order, art by Attacus

Cover image: The Argent Order by Attacus


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Feb 18, 2021 15:30 by MrGunn

Awesome post! I love it!

Thanks!   MrGunn [email protected]