Session 018 - Plots in Plots Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 018 - Plots in Plots

General Summary

Date 15 to 20 Larane (5) 720TR (Summer)

The story so far

One hundred fifty years ago Clan Chusselrin became fabulously wealthy due to its highly profitable vineyards and winery. The party has been employed by a descendant of the Chusselrin's to find out how they did it, and does it have any connection to the mysterious Earthmaster artifact, the Heart of Tondran?

The heroes explored the long-abandoned Chusselrin family crypts and after battling a band of tomb robbers they have found a hidden vault.

Additionally, Athena confronted squad of Order of the Cohorts of Gashang causing chaos in the poor districts of the city.

Continuation of Session 17 - Lost Crypts.

Part 1 -Treasures In the crypt

The characters explore the tomb, finding a trapped chest, easily disable by Yureb, and inside they find a number of interesting items.

The Box

An ancient ornate wooden box covered in strange symbols. In the center is a drawing of a building surrounded by obelisks and with three glowing red skylights. On seeing this Quazzy has a flashback, she has been in this mysterious location.

She remembers being in a chamber lit by three red skylights and an old woman wearing a black mask using magic to suck Quazzy's soul from her body, replacing it with her own, Quazzy's body was being stolen. Fortunately, the ceremony, less than half complete, was disrupted by a number rough looking enraged barbarian men. During the chaos of battle, Quazzy escapes in a daze.

The Coded Note

The insides of the box are lined with velvet with two spaces, one clearly designed to hold the Heart of Tondran and the other for a circlet or headband. The box is empty except for a note in code which Quazzy is able to decipher. It says; Dear cousin, I have stored the soul in the vault of our townhouse in Coranan, to keep it safe from thieves. Keep the heart with you.

The Journal

A journal of St Elana, the Patron Saint of Hope, who was sainted for administering to victims of the red death. This Journal records her efforts, and a bookmarked section mentions the Cult of Trondan.

Bookmarked section - Gorban Hussel founded a mystery Cult called the Cult of Tondran. He was a skilled herbalist and alchemist leading a small band of followers who were in much demand during the plague as they had remarkable successes healing by use of alchemical and herbal remedies, using alcohol to wash surgical instruments, and killing all rats on sight. During the Theocracy of Tekhos he and his followers were slaughtered by the Morgathic Jihad and the cult was destroyed. But a footnote mentions Gorban’s son escaping and took on the name Fyvan Chusselrin.

One other footnote says that Gorban learned his techniques after consulting with the Trodan, some entity which gave him great knowledge. To do this he was seen wearing the Heart on a chain around his neck and the Soul, a silver circuit on his head.

Final Note

A scrap of paper showing some of the known parallel worlds Midgard, Blessed Realm, Yashain, Lorenor, Sherem, and Terra. Terra is highlighted.

Part 2 - The Dogs

The characters leave the crypt and start making their way back to Telen. They encounter two large aggressive dogs which immediately attack. As they strike they transform into Demonic fire breathing mastiffs, Hell Hounds, who focus their attacks and fiery breath onto Athena. When killed they turned back to normal dogs and on examination, they have been branded. This is part of a rarely performed magical Ritual used by priests of Agrik.

Yureb was able to follow their trail to a small group of handers some distance away. The party waits until night and attack, resulting in a quick, one-sided battle. Yureb garrotes the guard on watch, and the remainders are killed or captured.

The captured men are interrogated, one is resilient and gives little away, so he is ritually murdered by Quazzy while the other Dominik is remarkably willing to talk. They learn;

  • Their orders were to transport and release the war dogs. Apparently, the priestesses use a divination spell to determine Athena's location at a specific given time.
  • The Order of the Eight Demons want Athena dead, apparently because during her encounter with the Coranan a few days ago she said something like she knew that the Cohorts were planning to take over the City Watch. This was a misunderstanding, but the Eight Demon Leadership took it very seriously, enough to order Athena's murder.

Dominik is a former Order of Hepra the Mace priest, and he claims he was coerced into joining the Cohorts of Gashang during the religious dispute six years ago, to avoid a painful death. He is more than willing to act as a spy for the party. To ensure loyalty Quazzy used her magic on Dominik to create a bond allowing her to see through his senses at any time. When Dominik returned to the Temple of the Eight Demons he successfully lies to the high priestess claiming his group was ambushed by a contingent of Red Shadows of Hepra, and he barely escaped with his life.

On the way back to Coranan the party travels through small village holding an archery contest. Yureb joins and makes it the second to last round.

Part 3- Meeting with the Wine Merchant

The party meets with Jehan Chusselrin, Wine Merchant, he informs them that's when his family was wealthy they had a townhouse in the city. This building is currently being own by Senator Kelen Vanthes who was once a priestess of Halea and is famous to host lavish banquets and parties for the rich and famous in the city. The Soul of Trondan is or was likely hidden somewhere there.

Part 4 - Quazzy's Gambit

Quazzy leaves a note in the Shrine to Desridaen for the Church of Naveh to find, offering her assistance in completing the Rite of Nao-Thian. A few days late she received a message, a Dagger with her note next to her bed. "Be at the Shrine at midnight."

At midnight Quazzy makes her way to the Shrine and meets with five Skull Masked Priests and Assassins plus the Beggar. The Beggar implores the leader, who he calls the Primate, not to trust Quazzy and immediately kill her. The Primate dismisses the Beggars concerns, he then angrily transforms into a shadowy form and leaves muttering a threat that he will do what needs to be done. Quazzy makes a compelling speech, and the Primate offers Quazzy a task to prove her loyalty, she must murder one of her friends in public.

The party decides that they will stage the murder of Yureb, with the help of his criminal contact, Rowe organizing and setting up an alter ego called Baldrick and an elaborate disguise.

Part 5 - Athena's Investigation

Athena meets with her acquaintance, Derik Kalormar, one of the guards at the Eastgate, and arranges a meeting with Captain Scollus Trimbel the commander of the Wardens of Corthir. She explains that she believes the Order of the Cohorts of Gashang is planning to take over the contract to watch the cities gates, walls, and markets. Scollus is skeptical, as he cannot see such a polarizing group being given such responsibility, but agrees to investigate.

Missions/Quests Completed

Investigated the Chusselrin Crypts.

Made a deal with the Priest of Naveh

Character(s) interacted with

Dominik - Knight of the Order of the Cohorts of Gashang.

The Primate - High Priest of Naveh and Head of the church in Hârn.

The Beggar - Gytevsha Demon.

Derik Kalormar - City Gate Guard.

Captain Scollus Trimbell - Commander of the Wardens of Corthir.


Players Character Status

Athena - Level 6 Paladin of Vengeance.

Yureb - Level 6 Arcane Trickster.

Quazzy - Level 4 Necromancer and Level 2 Warlock Disciple of Desridaen.

Forbidden Pathways - Campaign Complete
Report Date
03 Feb 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location

NPCs meet

Dominik, Holy Knight and Spy

Jehan Chusselrin, Wine Merchant


Jehan, art by Artbreeder

The Primate, High Priest of Naveh

The Begger, Gytevsha Demon

Rowe, Criminal Contact

Rowe, art by Paizo

Cover image: Forbidden Pathways by Attacus


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