Session 058 - Shadows of the Past Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 058 - Shadows of the Past

General Summary

16 to 20th of Kelen (3) (Spring) 721TR

The story so far

Acheron is investigating a missing member of the Argent Order and wants to recover his Silver Sword. He has learned that it may well be hidden in or under the Mansion of the dead Senator Baloth Nemirina, the former high priest of the God Naveh and leader of an Assassins Cult in the City of Coranan.

The Master Thief Yureb has been planning to rob this Mansion for some time. He was a member of a group of Heroes who killed the evil Senator and prevented thousands of deaths (refer Sessions 43 and 44). He happily joins the party in their mission.

Part 1 - The Plan

Koral the Bloody
The Yureb meets with Koral the Bloody, the head of the Cities Thieves Guild, who discreetly aided him before when dealing with the Assassins Guild and the Church of Naveh. He agrees to organize a distraction for the City Guard during the night of the robbery.

He says that he would like the Nemirina family seal if the party were to find it and would be willing to pay a significant sum.

Part 2 - Over the Walls

Just before midnight, the party cross over the walls, evade guards, and sneak into the Mansion through a back entrance, the kitchen door. This leads into a grand dining room and party climb over a balcony accessing the building's second floor. Here they find a bedroom with a sleeping man, likely the son of the Senator, Baldil Nemirina.

In a small library, Avon notes a fireplace that appears too shallow, but he couldn't find any concealed openings, deducing that there may be one on the other side of the wall in the master bedroom.

Part 3 - The Pit of Snakes

The master bedroom is locked. After gaining entrance, Avon finds a deep shaft with a ladder going down around 25 ft. Behind a bookcase is a well-hidden compartment holding a small fortune in gold and gems. However, as Yureb opens it, he sets off a magical trap.

Suddenly the floor collapses into a deep pit filled with snakes. Then two shadowy Gytevsha attack the heroes during the confusion, nearly killing Acheron. The Pit is an illusion, and half the party sees through it, but the others are trapped in snake-infested hell. Eventually, the Gytevsha are dispatched, and the Illusion overcomes, although Acheron had to be dragged out of the room.

Part 4 - Ghost of Baloth Nemirina

The disturbance in the bedroom was enough to attract some guards. Acheron takes on the illusionary form of the Ghost of Baloth Nemirina, sends them running.

The Ghost has been seen many times in the last few months making the illusion plausible. Baldi Nemirina is also roused from his sleep but is captivated by Yureb's illusion magic and knocked out. His sleeping body is position so that it looks like he hit his head, getting out of bed.

In an adjacent room, the party finds a small study and steal the family seal and some expensive writing tools. Yureb forges a note in the Dead Senator's handwriting, instructing his son Baldi to do penance and donate wealth to the good churches and the poor. He uses his Cursed Inkwell, and unfortunately, what he ended up writing may not be what he intended, as an evil entity may well have twisted his words.
The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
24 Nov 2019
Primary Location

Clan Nemirina Code of Arms

Clan Nemirina, art by Attacus

Cursed Inkwell

Cursed Inkwell

Tool Very Rare

This normal looking inkwell bears a small skull imprint upon its bottom.

Grants Advantage on any Forgery attempts when using this Ink.

Vesha’s Curse

The Author of any document made using this inkwell must make a Wisdom saving throw, DC = 12 otherwise any writing or drawing will be corrupted by the influence of the Greater Gytevsha Vesha, the mouth of Falsehood. True words will become clouded and confused, Half-truths become lies, and words of praise will become insults.

This item has enough ink for 10 applications.

Weight: 1lbs


Part 5 - Secret Passage

The party makes its way down the hidden shaft in the master bedroom and then along a secret passage leading Southwest. This had a trap that the party easily avoids, but two more Gytevsha and a Dog made of Shadow had to be dealt with. These were a minor inconvenience.

Part 6 - The Sword

The passage opened up into the ruins of the Old Temple of Naveh. This was raided and destroyed by the forces of the Order of the Cohorts of Gashang (refer Session 42) four months ago.

Four animated skeletons of Navean Priests lie in wait and prove to be very skilled combatants. These are not real undead but bones occupied by the fiendish Gytevsha, which emerge to fight when their skeletal hosts are destroyed. They press the party badly, very nearly to the limit, but they are eventually purged.

After some searching, Avon finds a secret compartment in some furniture and a sword wrapped in black cloth. It is a Magical Silver Sword called Quicksilver.

Part 7 - Aftermath

The party leaves the Mansion, stealing cutlery and rare books on the way out. The books are given to Yureb's Friend Valmera, who often aids him with research. The Nemirina Seal and the cutlery are given to Koral the Bloody.

Acheron sends his Order a message telling them that the Silver Sword has been recovered. He receives instructions to hold onto it for the moment. The head of the Hârnic Chapter of the Argent Order, Father Chavoshka, is meeting with the Pontiff and will give further instructions when he returns in a few months. Until then, he can act on his initiative.




This Longsword is Silvered and has the following Properties.

Magical +2.

After attunement grants +2 to Initiative Rolls and +1 to Dexterity Saving Throws.

If used to down an opponent in combat as a Reaction the wielder can take a Bonus 10ft Movement.

Legendary (this item requires attunement)

This is an Supreb Quality Silvered Longsword of Dwarven Manufacture.

On one side inscribed in Tezri is the Word Venicúrio which translates to Quicksilver in Hârnic.

On the other side, in Dwarven is the Stamp and name of weapons forger Kirinza of Clan Hazadul.

This is one of the Legendary Silver Swords of the Argent Order, used by them to combat the forces of the undead and the dark gods.

This weapon has some signs of wear and minor damage. It would be a more formidable weapon when repaired.

Type Damage Damage Range Properties
Martial Melee 1d8+2 Slashing

This Longsword is Silvered and has the following Properties.

Magical +2.

After attunement grants +2 to Initiative Rolls and +1 to Dexterity Saving Throws.

If used to down an opponent in combat as a Reaction the wielder can take a Bonus 10ft Movement.

Weight: 3 lbs


NPC Interactions

Koral the Bloody - Head of thieves Guild.

Valmera - Priestess of Save K'Nor and researcher.

Priests at the Temple of Larani.

Challenges Overcome

Robbed the Nemirina Manor.

Acheron recovered the Silver Sword - Quicksilver.

Defeated 7 Gytevsha, 1 Shadow Mastiff, and 4 Shadow Skeletons.

Avoided or defeated several dangerous traps.

Reward Granted

Party received some loot.

Created Content

Quicksilver - A Magical Silver Sword.

Related Reports

Session 42 - It's a Trap.

Session 43 - Shadowmath, the Summoning.

Session 44 - Night of Death.

Coranan's Thieves Guildhall.

Ghost of the Lost Senator.

The Argent Order.

Lesser Gytevsha - a Fiend made of Shadows.

Players Character Status

Avon - Level 4 Thief.

Acheron - Level 2 Paladin and Level 2 Warlock Disciple of Mendiz.

Sabretooth - Level 3 Ivashu Lord and Level 1 Monk.

Cover image: by Attacus


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