Session 072 - Dark Anniversary

General Summary

26th of Navek to 2nd of Morgat (Winter) 721TR

The story so far

A year ago, the Heroes saved the City of Coranan from destruction by the Greater Gytevsha, Krasula, as well as freeing the Demigod Desridaen from the clutches of the evil God of Nightmares and Assassins, Naveh. This God and his worshippers want revenge. Meanwhile, Quazzy has recovered an ancient Silver Flute belong to Desridaen and wishes to return it to him.

The Heroes are now planning to return home, taking a shortcut through the magical portal in the mysterious Earthmaster Site of Telumar.

The continuation of Session 71 - The Lost King's Tower.

Location - The Wilderness East of the Kingdom of Chybisa.

Part 1 - Land Sharks.

The heroes spot a ruined manor house and decide to investigate. They note strange tremors in the earth, and something underground is approaching fast. Bursting out of the ground appear three massive beasts, the infamous armored Land Sharks. The party quickly dispatch these brutes and harvest some of their metal plates.

The ruined manor house has a well-hidden treasury containing some gems, ancient coins, and an antique Elven Dagger made of a strange metal (Adamantium).

Part 2 - Rewards.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
08 Mar 2020

That night the heroes feel an ominous foreboding atmosphere. Tonight is Shadowmath, the Night of Shadows, the anniversary of the night they defeated and captured the demigod Krasula as well as destroying the Church of Naveh's primary temple on Hârn.

While Athena and Yureb sleep, Quazzys is transported to another reality, a dark alien forest, by her Warlock Patron Desridaen. He appears, perched on a branch of a huge tree playing his Silver Flute, the one that she had retrieved. His music is unearthly and more than a bit macabre.

Desridaen is delighted with Quazzy's achievements and rewards her with a Mind Spike Boon. She has served him well and not only recovered the Silver Flute but also started a cult to her Patron with some interesting recruits. However, he is aware that the party gave up the opportunity to acquire potentially powerful magic items to recover this relic, so he offers the following cryptic advice or knowledge as compensation.


For the Thief (Yureb).

He remembers visiting Telumar long ago, before the Battle of Sorrows. A wall was built by the Dwarves, to protect against the human invaders and it was well guarded. One Dwarf, Icken Haumager, brewed superb beer for the garrison, and after the wall was abandoned, Icken stayed on. He made a profit supplying alcohol to his new customers, the invading tribesmen. He died in his brewery, well hidden under or near the ancient walls. His human customers were not the only creatures who wanted to drink.

Desridaen tells Quazzy his secrets may be of interest to your thief if he is skilled enough to find them.


For the Knight (Athena).

The first step on her path of vengeance and maybe greatness will be beyond the black door if she truly wants it and is bold enough to act. The "Cats" are waiting for her.

Desridaen also warns Quazzy to prepare. The forces of Naveh seek revenge and have summoned Assassins. They are not far away.

Part 3 - Shadowmath - Legacy of the Past.

The Oron, Art by Pazio
Not long after Desridaen's warning, the shadows darken, and the forest becomes deathly silent.

Two Orons or Gytvesha Assassins strike, attacking from invisibility only appearing to view when they conjured devastating clouds of freezing shadow. The heroes are severely pressed. These Spector like monsters claws tear deeply into the flesh, causing agonizing pain. The Oron's invisibility makes them extremely hard to hit. Still, the Heroes prevail and only win by the narrowest of margins.

Location - The Earthmaster Site of Telumar.

Part 4 - The Mad Shaman.

The heroes arrive at the Earthmaster Site and note a series of ancient white and pink stone buildings of unusual design. Quazzy and Yureb sense a psionic background noise emanating from the main structure. Many of the buildings are partially covered with earth. This location has been subjected to an earthquake or a massive landslide in the last few years. A wooden wall and buildings guard the entrance into the main Earthmaster structure.

However, the party begins by investigating the more recent ruined dwarven wall. They find Jaarede, a somewhat crazy, but peaceful Pagaelin Shaman. He worships Saraen, the primitive version of Sarajin, a religion falling out of favor with his people. The Pagaelien Barbarian Nation now mostly worship the dark and evil Walker on the Hearth. He has extensive knowledge of the Dwarven ruins and is willing to trade information for food. When asked the question of whether he knows of an ancient brewery, he directs the party to an old passage in which he found many ancient barrels. The Yureb investigates and finds a well-concealed side passage.

Part 5 - The Dwarven Brewery.

Cave Fisher Parts
The passage is old, and Yureb finds and disables a fire trap, fueled by a strange blue-green liquid. This opens into a series of large chambers, one containing off-white Chitinous remains of enormous insects. Athena remembers reading stories about them, the infamous Cave Fisher, hunters of the underworld. These strange insects shoot long sticky strands capturing their prey, then reeling them in, to be eaten alive.

The next chamber is filled with mold and fungus. Half a dozen slow-moving small fungi monsters attack but are quickly dealt with. A large mass of green matter breaks free from the mass of mold and proves a more difficult opponent, entrapping Athena and Yureb in nooses of vines. The heroes hack free and destroy it.

To be continued.....

NPC Interactions

Desridaen, Demi-god - The twisted Elf, Quazzy's warlock patron.

Jaarede - Pagaelin Shaman.

Challenges Overcome

Killed 3 Bulettes.

Defeated 2 Oron.

Located an ancient Dwarven Brewery

Defeated 6 Violet Fungi and an Arborcyte.


3 x Bulette Head Plates (can be used to create a +1 Shield)

Elven dagger (Adamantium)

Mind Spike Boon, Quazzy can cast Mind Spike 1/day.

Created Content

The Gytevsha - Roll20 stat block.

Related Reports

Earthmaster Sites.

Desridaen, Demi-god - Quazzy's Warlock patron.

Players Character Status

Athena the Banshee - Level 14 Paladin of Vengeance.

Yureb - Level 14 Arcane Trickster.

Quazzy - Level 5 Necromancer and Level 9 Warlock Disciple of Desridaen.


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