Session 089 - Silverway Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 089 - Silverway

General Summary

2nd to 6th of Nolus (First Month of Summer) 722TR

The story so far

Acheron is traveling to the Dwarven Kingdom of Azadmere to collect a number of magical Silver Swords for the Argent Order for use in their battle against the forces of darkness. He will also get one made for himself.

Location - City of Tashal in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

The continuation of Session 88 - The Ghost of the Boar Grove.

Part 1 - Loose Ends

The Heroes emerge from Orgael Wood four days after they entered the Feywild even though, due to time distortion, they have only experienced around five hours of travel.

They set about utilizing the various body parts they harvested from recently killed Displacer Beasts. This proves costly with Illusion Tokens created from the creature's paws, Potions of Displacement from their blood, and Whips out of their tentacles. Acheron also has some of the blood preserved for possible use in the forging of a magical sword.

Quazzy also arranges for the bones of the Wizard Atrena Quiglin, recovered from the Feywild, to be laid to rest. After a simple ceremony performed by the Church of Peoni, the spirit of the deceased thanks her.

Location - The Silver Way, Trade Route Between Kingdom of Kaldor and the Kingdom of Azadmere.

Part 2 - Enter the Silver Way

The Party begins their dangerous trek to the Dwarven Kingdom of Azadmere along the Silver Way Trade Route. At Naniom Bridge, the last civilized stop before the Dwarven fortress of Zerhun, they check for rumors and learn;

  • The nearby powerful Orc Colony of Fana frequently preys on the trade caravans. The Dwarves have unsuccessfully attempted to liberate the Fana Oron and Gem Mine for over 500 years.
  • The Silverway is exceptionally profitable, but most caravans require a large number of guards.
  • The Dwarven Kingdom trades quality dwarven crafts for mostly food.
  • They learn of some of the Orc and Bandit's favorite places for setting Ambushes.
  • The Kingdom of Azadmere has a treaty with the Taelda Barbarians. In return for mutual assistance against the Orcs, hunting is banned in the southern half of the Silverway. The Dwarves and the Taelda barbarians take this treaty very seriously.
  • The Party also learns the Dwarven King is considering restoring the lost Barony of Axxon, granting it to a Human knight if certain conditions are met.

Part 3 - The Fertilizer Merchant

The Party travels several days without incident. They pass a large, well-guarded Merchant Caravan, going the other way, who warn the heroes that they have seen signs of Orcs. Later they encounter a squadron of Lady of Paladins Knights who informs the Party that has clashed with an Orc Warband, but the Foulspawn scattered rather than make a stand.

Delerman Mantan, art by Artbreeder
As they approach Guthe Ford, two men emerge from the forest. One is an injured Taelda Barbarian scout, Agasir, the other panicking and disheveled Merchant Delerman Mantan. Delerman explains his small trade caravan was set upon by Red Orcs, from Fana. He believes they have killed his guards, and are now looting his merchandise. He is a trader in special Fungi Fertilizer, especially Vineyards.

As the Heroes appear capable warriors, he asks for them for assistance. Led by the Barbarian scout, they sneak up on the Orcs. There were over twenty of them. Most were looting, but a few were on guard. Unfortunately, Acheron makes a noise alerts them to their presence. The Orcs are soundly defeated, no match for the seasoned warriors, and Quazzy's magical abilities.

The appreciative Merchant rewards the Party for saving his valuables and agrees to discuss a potential business venture with Avon at a future date.

Part 4 - Giants and Dwarves

Grim Erys, Art by Artbreeder
A day later, the Party hears the sounds of shouting and combat. Three Dwarves, one late middle-aged and the other two well-armed warriors, valiantly battle three 10ft tall Giants. One Giant controls a half-owl half-bear monstrosity on a chain. The Party immediately attack. Sabretooth dispatches the Owlbear, but one of the Hill Giants picks him up and throws him onto Acheron. Quazzy temporarily distracts one on the Giants with a Sphere of Darkness, allowing the older Dwarf to retreat. However, she ventures too close to the Giants and also gets tossed onto Acheron. Both of the Dwarven Warriors are pummeled and severely injured. Eventually, the Giants are slain, and Quazzy saves the lives of the dying Dwarves.

The Older Dwarf is Bogon Erwys, the map-maker to the Crown Prince of Azadmere. Know to everyone as Grim, on account of his irritable and generally antisocial behavior. He is currently updating the maps along the Silver Way. The Heroes note that his maps, which were scattered about on the ground during the fight, are of very high quality.

To be continued.....

NPC Interactions

Delerman Mantan, Merchant - Fertilizer Merchant.

Agasir - Taelda warrior.

Grim Erwys, Mapmaker and his Two Guards.

Challenges Overcome

Defeated 22 Red Orcs.

Defeated 3 Hill Giants and 1 Owlbear.


Taelda Longbow.

2 x Whip, Superior (+1), 2 x Silent Illusion Tokens, and 6 x Potions of Displacement.

Created Content

Delerman Mantan, Merchant.

Grim Erwys, Mapmaker.

Related Reports

City of Tashal.

Item Quality - D&D 5E Notes.

The Argent Order.

Players Character Status

Acheron - Level 4 Paladin and Level 3 Warlock Disciple of Mendiz.

Sabretooth - Level 5 Ivashu Lord Barbarian and Level 2 Monk.

Avon - Level 7 Thief.

Quazzy - Level 5 Necromancer and Level 10 Warlock Disciple of Desridaen.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
05 Jul 2020
Secondary Location
Related Characters


Sabretooth's Ivashu Companion.

Chameleo, art by Attacus

Displacer Beast Tokens

This allows the user to cast Silent Image. Once used the token wither and turn to dust.

Taelda Longbow

This Black Bowstring is treated with special resins making it exceptionally strong.

This bow will function as a +1 Weapon until the user rolls a natural one on the first attack roll of their turn.

Cover image: by Attacus


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