Session 191 - Thieves and Scoundrels Everywhere Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 191 - Thieves and Scoundrels Everywhere

General Summary

3rd to 18th of Kelen (Third Month of Spring) 724TR

The story so far

The heroes have learned that the mad priest of Ilvir, Xantosa, is hellbent on collecting relics (body parts) of the Crab-Titan Obsidapor. What are his nefarious plans? Does he intend to resurrect this ancient monster?

One of these relics, Obsidapor's Tongue, is believed hidden in a hidden cave on the west side of Tarkel Island.

Meanwhile, Remy has a grudge against a certain group of pirates who may well have a connection to a band of smugglers he met a few months ago.

This is the continuation of Session 189 - Rocks and Illusions.

Location - Tarkel Island in the Kingdom of Kanday.

Part 1 - Hand Of Doom

After the characters recover from their epic battle with the stone guardians, they investigate the metal-bound wooden coffer they had uncovered. It has an old puzzle lock, but that is no impediment. Remy opens it with ease. Inside they find a curious artifact. The petrified tip of the Tongue of Obsidapor. This strange artifact enhances a character's gift of the gab.

On their way out of their chamber, they are surprised by a creepy appearance of a huge gray hand skittering towards them. This dead hand of Ogremong, the giant that the heroes destroyed yesterday. However, the possessed appendage proves to be a minor threat. The heroes burn the hand and the other remains of the giant before leaving the island.

Location - Castle Sarkum in the Kingdom of Kanday.

Part 2 - Back At Civilization

The party returns to the town of Sarkum, rest and reequip for a week while Abaddon restocks his herbal healing remedies. They also sell the gems they found to one of the local merchants, Avca Hafaci.

Unknown the heroes a thief has been busy, they are unaware that something has been stolen from one of them.

Location - Turmale Hills in the Kingdom of Kanday.

Part 3 - The Hunting Lord

Sir Beroldus, art by Artbreeder
Now that the heroes have no immediate plans, Remy decides to investigate his old rivals, the Pirates of the Bloody Flag. They may have some association with the region's thieves and smugglers. As the party makes its way across the Turmale Hills in search of a familiar crew of smugglers, they blunder into a small hunting party.

Sir Beroldus Himaldy, the lord of Derula Manor, is hunting boar and treats the party cordially. The heroes do not mention that they have recently plundered an ancient burial mound on his land and still have some of the very valuable items they unearthed in their possession.

During this brief interaction, Remy puts on a memorable performance as a noisy and clumsy oaf.

Part 4 - Hell Hounds

Not long afterward, the heroes hear the howling of rabid dogs. Soon coming into view are emaciated canines with smoke emerging from their mouth, 3 Hell Hounds. The fiendish dogs target the heroes breathing flame and furiously biting. They are eventually dispatched, and when dead, transform into big ugly dogs. Odin recognizes distinctive branding on their hide, those commonly employed by the Order of the Fuming Gate on their wardogs.

Their trail is surprisingly hard to find for such fiery creatures, but Odin is up to the task. He leads the party to a nearby camp.

Part 5 - The Agrikian Camp

Armestronge, art by Attacus
The trail leads to a rocky outcrop with two well-armed guards are playing cards, and there is a camp on the other side. As the startled guards look at the party, then another man emerges from behind the rocks, Armstronge the Hunter. The heroes were instrumental in this man being given a brand on his face as a heretic, and he wants payback (refer Session 183 - Heretics). "That's them, your dogs failed," he shouts, alerting the rest of the camp. More men emerge from the rocks and open fire with crossbows. Remy responds with a Fireball but does not outright kill any of them.

Two wardogs rush the heroes, and a priest from behind a rock appears and gestures. Remy finds himself engulfed in flames (Create Bonfire), and from it, 3 snake-like forms formed from fire emerge. Abaddon reacts immediately, rushing the priest, catching him completely off guard. Leaping onto the rock above the spellcaster, he delivers a smash to his head, stunning him, breaking his concentration, and releasing the flames around Remy, but unfortunately, the Fire Snakes remain. The helpless priest is soon dispatched, and although the warriors, dogs, and Armstronge put up a fair fight, they are soon cut down. The fire snakes are eventually extinguished, although whoever attacked them with melee weapons finds themselves suffering more than a few minor burns.

Investigating the camp, the heroes find an octagonal ritual pattern, probably used to transform the dogs into hellhounds. Nearby Odin recognizes his pipe; he wasn't aware it had been stolen. This is what must have been how they tracked the party. The priest's holy book contains papers in an unknown language and drawings of two people the heroes are very familiar with. The mad priest of Ilvir Xantosa and his troll bodyguard. Why would the Agrikians be so interested in them? The heroes decide they need to translate the papers, probably with the help of a friend. But first, they intend to visit the smuggler's camp as planned.

Part 6 - The Smugglers

Eventually, the party makes it to the ruins of Turmal village. The smugglers the heroes met earlier this year are gone, but there is evidence of a fight, and objects have been more recently dragged to the nearby ruins of the old keep.

Duckett, art by Attacus
At the keep they find Duckett, the smuggler who had his eye clawed out by a vlaster two months ago (refer to Session 168 - The Fanatic). He is hiding, rather poorly, among some salvage.

After putting his concerns at rest, they learn that the King's Men arrived a week ago and raided the smuggler's camp. The rest of his crew were captured and dragged off to be tried by the region's Bailiff. Luckily he escaped because he was beachcombing at the time. Remy discretely identifies himself as a member of the thieves guild, and they have a private conversation.

Duckett is indeed a member of the thieves guild, and Remy is sure he has some relationship with the Bloody Flag Pirates, but Duckett will not go into details. Remy has a grudge against these scoundrels, and they stole something he wanted before he could steal it himself. Nevertheless, Duckett suggests Remy speaks to Avca Hafaci, the merchant and head of the guild in the region. The same merchant Remy sold his gems to a few days ago.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Sir Beroldus Himaldy - lord of Derula manor.

Duckett - the one-eyed smuggler.

Challenges Overcome

1 x Giant Undead Hand.

3 x Hell hounds.

2 x mastiffs, 3 x Copper Hook Warriors, 1 x Fast Warrior, and 1 x Cleric of Agrik.


Nothing major, just some loot from the camp.

Created Content

Nothing this week.

Related Reports

Order of the Fuming Gate.

Player Character Status

Odin - Human - Level 5 Gloom Stalker.

Abaddon - Elf - Level 5 Open-hand Monk.

Remy - Half-Elf - Level 5 Bladesinger.

Encounters and Events

Session 191.png
Games of the Gods - Campaign On Hold
Report Date
14 Nov 2021

Clan Himaldy

The ruling house of Derula Manor.

Clan Himaldy, Art by Attacus

Tongue of Obsidapor

The Tongue of Obsidapor is a 10-inch forked tongue made from a very hard rock-like material. It weighs 12 pounds.
When attuned the holder gains the ability to make friends or enemies.
They can use the following psionic spells.

  • Suggestion usable 1/Long Rest

  • Bedazzling Charm usable 1/Long Rest

In addition, they gain +2 to Persuasion or Deception chosen on attunement.
Anyone attuned to this item gains the following flaw.
I anger important or dangerous people with my rudeness.

Cover image: by Attacus


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