Session 213 - Dead Man's Hand Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 213 - Dead Man's Hand

General Summary

11th to 20th Agrazhar (Third Month of Summer) 724TR

The story so far

The heroes have voyaged to the Earl of Sarkum's Colony on the Island of Anfla, where Remy is hunting down his former business partners, the Bloody Flag Pirates.

They have located their secret base, hidden on the islands far north. So far, their attack has gone well. They have killed most of the pirates but still have the first mate, Smokey Burton, a master of illusion and the remainder of the crew to deal with.

This is the continuation of Session 212 - Pirates.

Location - Teac Bay, Northern Anfla Island.

Part 1 - Negotiations

With the Captain and most of the crew massacred, Remy wants to negotiate with the remaining pirates and use them to start his own smuggling operation with him as the head, of course. The remaining five pirates, led by Smokey Burton, are open to that possibility. However, Odin wants to execute them; after all, they are murderous criminals, and he wants justice.

Smokey Burton, art by Tom Rhodes
The characters have a heated debate. Eventually, Odin agrees with the proposition to use these rogues as privateers against the Kingdom of Kanday's enemies. However, smuggling and other illegal activities with the Kingdom must stop. Smokey Burton agreed to those terms, provided he is made the ship's new Captain. He later remarks that he had a cunning plan to escape the heroes if negotiations failed.

Remy renames the Crimson Reaver, the captured pirate ship, to the Aces and Eights and reorganizes the operation to suit his objectives.

The characters think that the former pirates are committed to the new plan, but can they be trusted long-term? Remy also learns that Smokey Burton has a large petrified fin of the Ivashu Crab Titan Obsidapor. This artifact provides him the ability to Control Water in a wide area.

Location - Fort Xuaka Anfla Island.

Part 2 - Speaking to the Constable

Sir Tyson Silar, art by Artbreeder
The Aces and Eights anchors at Fort Xuaka and Odin and Remy meet with Sir Tyson Silar, the local Constable appointed by the Earl of Sarkum.

The Constable is remarkably pragmatic in his views. He appreciates that the pirates have been dealt with, and the remaining few have offered their services to the crown. However, Odin is directed to monitor them closely and deal justice if they involve themselves with nefarious acts again. He sees a valuable opportunity and arranges with Remy for the ship to provide much-needed regular supply shipments to the mainland. However, longer-term, this new "privateer" agreement will need official royal approval.

Armundus Barsynd, art by G-mang
Lord Armundus Barsynd and his family, the former captives of the pirates, are dropped off and are grateful for their rescue. They were captured on their way to Fort Xauka, and he would like to see them all hung. However, they did not interact with the surviving pirates, and he defers to Odin's judgment. They were not mistreated while being captives.

Sir Armundus and his son intend to scout out resources on Anlfa island to invest in. He is also interested in acquiring land to expand his holdings.

Location - Tieka Island, a small island off Anfla Island.

Part 3 - Harpies

The characters now undertake their next objective, dealing with the second of malicious Earth Witch's daughters, the Owl Woman. This fiend has flown off with a powerful artifact, the legendary meteorite iron spearhead of the weapon used by the god Manaclir to kill Obsidapor. She is believed to be nesting in a giant tree on Tieka Island.

A sudden fog envelopes the ship as the Aces and Eights approach the Tieka Island. Using the mist for cover over a dozen Yélgri, the semi-reptilian Hârnic Harpies, swarm the boat. However, they are in for a surprise. The experienced crew and heroes quickly deal with them. As soon as the Yélgri are dispatched, the mysterious fog quickly dissipates.

Part 4 - The Tree of the Owl Woman

The giant tree is evident two miles inland. This dead, leafless monstrosity with blackened bark has three small huts, 70ft up, each linked by a creaky-looking walkway. An armored skeletal figure is located at its base, and its axe is embedded in the great tree's base.

The tree is not without its guardian. Two vicious-looking wooden human figures step out of the tree and batter the heroes with their massive thorny clubs. The Wood Woads are formidable opponents and hard to damage, but Remy soon learns that they burn easily. Fire magic is incredibly effective. The two guards are incinerated, and so are the valuables on the skeletal body.

Using the numerous handholds, Abaddon carefully climbs the tree, secures and lowers a rope, and the remaining characters follow.

Part 5 - Dark Mirror

The three huts are shambles with broken beds and shattered furniture. Abaddon also notices his quarterstaff, long protected by his elven ancestors, begins to vibrate.

A broken mirror lies on the floor of the huts, and as Remy approaches, a figure emerges, his reflection. This pale duplicate is only an illusion, but it possesses all of his knowledge and abilities. The characters attack Remy's reflection, and as Abaddon approaches, his doppelganger also appears. The false Remy is destroyed before he can cause any mischief, but Abaddon's duplicate stuns the real Abaddon, neutralizing him. Remy and Odin focus on destroying the mirror, and eventually, it is smashed beyond repair, then the false Abaddon is finally shattered as well.

When the characters think they have a moment to rest and recover, a white owl with humanoid features silently glides in and utters an invocation. A Slow Spell. The battle against the Earth Witch's second daughter, the Owl Woman, is on.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Captain Smokey Burton, the Pirate.

Lord Armundus Barsynd, Lord of Idister.

Challenges Overcome

Remy Creates his own Smuggling (or Privateer Band).

Killed 15 x Yélgri - the Hârnic Harpy.

Killed 2 x Wood Woads.

Killed Remy's and Abadon's reflections.


Nothing this week.

Created Content

Captain Smokey Burton.

Related Reports

Fort Xuaka.

Player Character Status

Odin - Human - Level 5 Gloom Stalker and Level 2 Fighter.

Abaddon - Elf - Level 7 Open-hand Monk.

Remy - Half-Elf - Level 7 Bladesinger.

Encounters and Events

Session 213 map, art by Attacus
Games of the Gods - Campaign On Hold
Report Date
06 Feb 2022
Related Characters

Spear of Manaclir

A legendary weapon wielded by the Adaenum Sea God Manaclir and used to kill the Crab Titian Obsidapor thousands of years ago.
It was forged by the minor deity, the Earth Witch. However, she stole it and broke it into three parts when she turned evil.
Elves took one part.
One part is underwater, likely at the Deadwood Reef, where the spear was broken.
The last part, the spearhead is made of meteorite Iron, was taken to Heiryl Moor. However, it was last seen in the claws of the Earth Witches daughters, a giant owl.

Yélgri - the Hârnic Harpy

Yelgri, art by Attacus

Cover image: by Attacus


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