Session 248 - Fur and Fangs Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 248 - Fur and Fangs

General Summary

16th to 20th of Nolus (First month of Summer) 725TR

The story so far

Acheron is a member of the secretive Argent Order dedicated to battling evil churches.

One of these neferious organizations is the Company of Dead Men, which seems to be working exclusively for the Order of the Lord of Chaos.

This is the continuation of Session 247 - An Eclectic Collection of Books.

Location - City of Coranan in the Thardic Republic.

Part 1 - Brother Teldry, the Burnt Priest

Acheron receives a coded message from the Argent Order, instructing him to contact Brother Teldry, one of the order's honorary members. He has vital information. Brother Teldry is a Peonian priest who manages a small chapel just outside the city walls and the nearby cemetery on Impaler's Hill.

Brother Teldry, At by Artbreeder
As the party approaches the good Brother's chapel, Avon recognizes some thugs from one of the local thieves guild, bruised, limping with bloody noses. He also notes Brother Teldry, who bears considerable burn scars, has bloody knuckles.

After using passcodes to identify themselves, the priest outlines the situation. One of Teldry's informers is the embalmers, Marden Lenias, famous for his elaborate funeral parades. He has information; however, he has urgently been called home. Something has gone wrong with his family, who work a small isolated farmstead not away. Unfortunately, the situation is potentially very dangerous.

Marden Lenias's Brother, Barku, is a Werewolf. He was cursed years ago when he was employed as a caravan guard on the Salt Route. While passing through Kath territory, he was attacked at night by what was thought to be a giant wolf. Brother Teldry brews Potions of Wolfsbane, which include powdered silver and a heavy sedative. This weakens the beast, and he is always chained up during the full moon nights.

Part 2 - The Wolfman

Brother Teldry arranges loan horses, and the characters make it to the Lenias farmhouse and quickly note a blood bath. Corpses of men, torn apart from slashing and bite injuries, are scattered about. These apparent bandits have suffered a grim fate.

Marden Lenian, art by Artbreeder
Inside, the characters find Marden's terrified mother and the field hand hiding in a back room. After rescuing, they explain that raiders attacked their homestead. One struck Barku, nearly killing him. This triggers his Lycanthropy. He turned into a wolfman and then slaughtered the bandits. The enraged man-beast moved to the farmhouse's cellar, which opens to a large cavern. When Marden arrived he entered the basement and attempted to pacify the monster. He has not returned, and it had been hours. Marden's mother fears the worst.

The characters enter the blood-covered underground structure and hear a furious growl. A murderous wolfman appears from the shadows and lunges forward, attacking Avon; however, the cunning rogue skillfully evaded being eviscerated. The rest of the team close and joined the skirmish. But the Wolfman has a few surprises. With an evil snarl, he glimpses deep into Jolanta's soul, and she is suddenly transformed into a wolf, under the control of the ferocious Lycanthrope. Nearby Avon spots the wounded Marden, unconscious, in a small side chamber covered in blood. The Wolfman cannot be reasoned with and tears into Acheron, and worse, rapidly healing injures save those inflicted by Acheron's Silver Sword.

Eventually, Acheron's holy smites and expertly timed strikes, aided by Blaine, wound the monster. Avon uses a Potion of Healing to wake Marden, who points out a set of chains across the room. Avon grabs them as Acheron and Blaine, who are also combating the Polymorphed Jolantas, momentarily knock the creature down. It releases its magical hold on Jolanta, and she returns to her true form with free will. Avon secures the beast with the chains while Marden pours one of the Potions of Wolfsbane down its throat, and the characters quickly vacate the cellar.

Part 3 - Further Investigations

Marden Lenias recovers from his injuries and tells Acheron everything he knows. One of his contacts said to him that a Company of Dead Men soldier has deserted that evil mercenary company. He has vital information and is believed to be hiding at Imrium with kin, a metal worker.

The characters escort Marden back to Coranan, where Brother Teldry blesses him and the heroes. Hopefully, no one will become cursed with lycanthropy. Acheron also convinces Marden to act as his agent and bring anything of interest, concerning the Company of Dead Men or the Church of Morgath, directly to him.

Part 4 - Mountain Winds

The heroes then start their journey towards Imrium Castle, near the Rayesha Mountains, to find and interview this deserter. The high hill passes are active with elemental forces; the party is assaulted by Air Elementals, nonetheless, they are quickly disposed of.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Brother Teldry

Marden Lenias, the Embalmer and his family.

Challenges Overcome

1 x Elite Werewolf. 2 x Huge Air Elementals + 1 x Earth Elemental.


Brother Teldry, give the heroes some Healing Potions and the Blessing of the Lady of Peace.

Created Content

Nothing this Week.

Related Reports

City of Coranan.

The Company of Dead Men.

Order of the Lord of Chaos.

Player Character Status

Acheron - Human - Level 6 Devotion Paladin, Level 4 Hexblade, and Level 6 Divine Soul.

Jolanta - Human- Level 16 Evoker.

Avon- Half-Elf - Level 16 Thief.

Rise Of A Dark Empire - Campaign Complete
Report Date
13 Sep 2022

NPC Companions


Avon's able assistant

Moneypenny 4.jpeg

Moneypenny, art by Artbreeder


Jolanta's loyal and often drunk bodyguard.

Blaine, art by Artur Sadlos

The Company of Dead Men

An evil mercenary company, closely associated with the god of Undead, Morgath.

Company of Dead Men, art by Columbia Games

Cover image: by Attacus


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