The Salt Route

The dangerous trade route linking the Eastern Kingdoms with the Western States.

Some of the inspiration and details are derived from Colombia Games

The Salt Route, the main trade route between western and eastern Hârn. It is a dangerous 170 leagues trail between City of Coranan in the Thardic Republic and Tashal in the Kingdom of Kaldor, crossing the territories of the Gozyda, Kath, Chelni, Pagaelin, and Tulwyn barbarian nations.

Mostly large, well-protected caravans carry salt, brasswares, perfumes, luxury garments, and fine linen from western Hârn in spring, returning in early autumn with goods from eastern Hârn and the Lythian mainland.

A few companies of the Ramala Legion patrol the trail east to Trobridge Inn while Kaldoric forces intermittently guard up to the Farin River.

Significant Locations

City of Coranan - Capital of the Thardic Republic and starting point of the spring caravans and ending point of the Auturm caravans.

Town of Moleryn - Major castle and last point of civilization in the Republic.

Fort Taztos - Stronghold of the Republic's Ramala Legion.

Trobridge Inn - Fortified Inn and trading point with the Elven Kingdom.

City of Tashal - The largest city in the Kingdom of Kaldor and ending point of the spring caravans and the starting point of the Auturm caravans.

Colony of Korego - An major Orc stronghold which often raids the caravans.


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