Session 348 - Inferno Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 348 - Inferno

General Summary

The Story So Far

The King is dead. Long live the King.

King Minigath Elendsa, who had ruled the Kingdom of Kaldor well for thirty-three years, has been assassinated. His nephew, Sir Conwan Elendsa, has been crowned King, but the former King's bastard son, Sir Maldan Harabor, has contested this and made his own claim.

While the kingdom is embroiled in a civil war, the mysterious Esoterical Order of Lothrim has struck, and armies of orcs, many thousands strong, have invaded the fractured realm.

Meanwhile, the heroes have seized Baseta Keep from the cowardly Sir Crya Dezella and held it against a determined attack by an orc army. They now plan to strike back.

This is the continuation of Session 347 - A Most Vile Poison.

Location - Baseta Keep in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

3rd Agrazhar (Summer) 727TR

Part 1 – An Unexpected Arrival

Sir Romlach Kylrin.webp
Sir Romlach, art by Artbreeder
The party is informed of a disturbance; many armed men are arriving at the village, having crossed the River Kald by boat. Many wear the colors of Clan Ethasiel, led by Sir Romlash Ethasiel, one of the most dangerous warriors in the kingdom. The men show signs of being in a fight with several wounded. Under an agreed truce, Sir Romlash meets with Rycon. Technically, this Knight is in rebellion against the crown. Sir Romlash has been holding his family’s primary seat, Setrew Keep, against the determined orcish armies led by the Order of Lothrim. Something must have changed.

Sir Romlash explains recent events. A traitor opened his keep’s gates at dawn yesterday, allowing the enemy’s orcish armies to swarm in. This turncoat was none other than Sir Kathel Dezellar, the older brother of Sir Crya Dezellar, who currently resides in Baseta’s dungeon. Sir Romlash and his fighters were narrowly able to repel them and save the keep. However, the defector also spoilt the keep's food stores before he escaped. Setrew Keep will not be able to survive a siege.

Rather than starve to death, Sir Romlash did the unexpected. He led a breakout, charged the orcish army’s human leadership, killed them, and escaped in confusion. Since the greater enemy is the Order of Lothrim, Sir Romlash warns Rycon to guard his stores and gatehouse. He also recommends executing the traitor's brother, Sir Crya. Nevertheless, Rycon decides not to use summary justice; the King should make this decision.

Part 2 – Assassination Plot

Valeria, using divination, learns that Sir Kathel is heading Southeast toward Kiban. Sir Romlash explains that the traitor has a close friend, Sir Aidrik Jendral, in the Silver Stags, the elite bodyguard of the Earl of Kiban. Sir Aidrik was a replacement bodyguard. The original guard was the former husband of Rycon’s betrothed, Dame Afaewynn Barthy, who died in suspicious circumstances. Dame Afaewyn believes Sir Kathel organized his murder, and the heroes have evidence that this is the case (they have a confession of a hired killer).

Sir Romlash intends to join his liege, the rebel bastard son of the former King, who is assumed to be battling to the east around Gardiren Castle and Yeged Keep. However, Rycon suggests Sir Romlash and his men join the party instead. They intend to ride to Kiban and kill Sir Kathal, suspecting he plans to kill the Earl. Rycon's argument is very persuasive. Whether motivated by revenge or something else, Sir Romlash agrees, and He and five of his knights will join the heroes. His remaining men will reinforce the defenses holding Baseta.

Part 3 – An Older Enemy Strikes

The party races to Kiban across enemy-held territory. After sundown, they encounter a skirmish. Half a dozen orcs are attacking a small group of soldiers. Outnumbered, the men are surely doomed.

The heroes and Sir Romlash’s men charge. The orcs are no match; within seconds, most are cut down. Everyone, remaining orcs included, starts to feel ill. Something is sapping their life force. Busting from the ground, an enormous worm made partly of shadow attacks. This is a very dangerous horror from the shadow realm, and it is sent to kill Valeria. The remaining orcs flee in terror, but the wounded men the heroes tried to save are wither and die. The humans fight valiantly; Rycon is severely injured, and Valeria's attempts to escape fail; she is poisoned by the creature’s venom and blasted by the horror's powerful sorcery. Rycon and Sir Romlash weaken the monster, although three of Sir Romlash’s men are killed. As Dryueh applies medical attention to the unconscious and poisoned Valeria, her hawk companion strikes the creature from behind, ripping its skull open and killing it.

Location - Kiban Castle in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 4 – The Earl and The Jester

Earl Troda Dariune, art by Artbreeder
A few hours out of Kiban, Valeria’s Divination reveals that Sir Kathel has reached the settlement. The party arrives and, under escort, is allowed to urgently meet with the Earl of Kiban, Sir Troda Dariune, who is entertaining important guests in his great hall.

As Rycon and Sir Romlash approach the Earl, Rycon is intercepted by the Earl’s Jester. The Jester makes a fool of Rycon, generating much laughter. The clown is wise enough to stay clear of the imposing Sir Romlash. Rycon’s attempt to intimidate the Jester to silence fails miserably, generating more ridicule (good-natured for the crowd, not so much for Rycon, who wants to punch the fool's painted face).

However, the Earl is receptive when warned that one member of his personal guard may be a traitor. Of the Silver Stags, Sir Aidric is not the only member not present. The Jester interjects, commenting that Sir Aidrik left the meeting hall half an hour ago, traveling downstairs to the storage rooms and the castle's brewery. They party, with one of the Silver Stag guards, race after him while Sir Romlash volunteers to help protect the Earl.

Part 5 - An Explosive End

Dryueh spots magical symbols on sections of the floor (explosive rune traps) and enters the storeroom used as a brewery. It appears unoccupied, but the stealthy shadow dancer spots a man in a blue uniform trying to conceal himself. Across the room, on the other side, is a small floating ball of fire. Rycon charges in and spots another man near the Flaming Sphere hiding behind a barrel. He roars a challenge and charges. The brewer is a skilled sorcerer and creates sheets of flame that engulf half the room, blocking Valeria’s attempts to enter. The flames soon get out of hand. Rycon almost contemptuously kills the brewer/sorcerer while Dryeuh assails Sir Aidrik with his signature hit-and-disappear tactics. The knight is a skilled fighter, wounding Dryueh, and eventually faces off against Rycon. As the flames come into contact with a succession of carefully placed bundles of highly volatile material, the lower level of the keep erupts in flames and toxic gasses. Rycon smashes Sir Aidrik to the ground but makes a mistake in creating an opening, and the traitor capitalizes, knocking him senseless.

While dodging flames, Dryueh wounds the turncoat, but not enough to get past him to save the unconscious Rycon from burning to death while the keep collapses around him. Valeria tries to make her way in but is almost consumed by flames; then, help from an unexpected source arrives. The Jester enters from a secret door and waves his hand, and geometric symbols appear, healing much of Valeria’s burns. Still alive, thanks to this timely intervention, Valeria blasts the traitor knight with a Spirit Blast, nearly killing him and allowing Dryueh to finish him. Dryueh revives Rycon and helps him up, and the heroes and the Jester escape the burning castle.

Part 6 – The Aftermath

The arsonists have done their job well. Kiban Castle is severely damaged and no longer suitable for defense. The Earl, his immediate family, and most of his entourage were saved, in no part due to Sir Romlash’s bravery and the heroes' timely warning.

And after all that, Sir Kathel is nowhere to be found.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Sir Romlash Ethasiel - Son of the Baron of Setrew.

Sir Troda Dariune - The Earl of Blaim.

Zyro of Carel - The Earl's Jester.

Player Characters

Valeria - Human - L16 Shadow Sorcerer 

Background - Magical Experiment.

Archetype - Beastmaster.

Rycon - Human - L16 Fighter

Background - Rebel Knight.

Archetypes - Liberator Champion/Dual Weapon Warrior/Swashbuckler.

Dryueh - 1/2 Elf - L16 Thief Rogue

Background - Scout.

Archetypes - Vigilante/Medic/Shadowdancer/Wizard.

Next Session

Session 350 - Justice.

Legacy of the Foulspawner
Report Date
13 May 2024

Clan Dariune

Clan Dariune's home seat is Kiban Castle, and they hold Fisen, Jedes, and Kyg's keeps, as well as being the liege lords of Baron Pierstel and Baron Ubael.

Kiban Castle Before Fire

by Art by Colombia Games

Kiban Castle After Fire

by Art by Columbia Games, modified by Attacus


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