Shrine of Peoni - Saint Teron’s Shrine Building / Landmark in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Shrine of Peoni - Saint Teron’s Shrine

A shrine dedicated to Saint Amula Teron, a Peoni Priest who disguised himself as a potter and hid two dozen innocents wanted by the Balshan Jihad and Theocracy of Tekhos for seven years in his attic and cellars. He was dragged off and tortured for weeks and died of a heart attack, never divulged where he hid his charges. The day after his death, it is said his spirit appeared to the families he was protecting and led them to safety.

The shrine was constructed on what is believed to be the site of his pottery. Several of the families he saved were from noble and mercantile classes and they have sponsored this shrine and soup kitchen for the urban poor. No one is turned away.

A marble statue of the saint and at his potter's wheel stand side by side with a larger statue of the goddess Peoni, usually surrounded by fresh flowers. The plain walls have names inscribed on them, the 24 saved, and their known descendants below them. However, this is now somewhat out of date. 

Founding Date
Parent Location

Brother Goldier

Brother Goldier, art by Artbreeder

The Priest of this church and also an expert on the Balshan Jihad, the Theocracy of Tekhos, and its leader Horahnam of Tekhos. On the second floor, he has collected an extensive library on these subjects.

Cover image: Saint Teron's art by Attacus


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