Tulwyn Barbarians Organization in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Tulwyn Barbarians

The Tulwyn are a society of ruthless, impeccably polite and extremely honor-bound warriors. Their society is highly ordered and based on traditional concepts adopted hundreds of years ago.

Tulwyn warrior's are fierce and if they make a pledge or they will carry it out or die trying. They will kill anyone who is impolite and never ever show mercy. Once crossed they will be forever your enemy.


Tulwyn form semi-nomadic tribes of between 50 and 150 members. Each is lead by a chief. Each tribe belongs to a small confederation of tribes which owe fealty to a larger tribe, which in turn owe fealty to Kirandar tribe.

This structure allows the Tulwyn to organize and rapidly mobilize, therefore able to field large organized armies against any threat be it an orc swarm or even the Thardic Republic's best legions.

Overchief Kirandar demands heavy tolls on the Salt-route trading caravans but generously spreads the booty among his vassals.

A tribe takes the name of its Chief. Usually, but not always, a chief takes of the name of the previous chief, on assuming leadership.


500BT - The ancestors of the Tulwyn, migrated to their current tribal range after displacing the local Jarinese tribes.

110TR - Lothrim the Foulspawner bribed (or magically dominated) the overchief and gained used of Tulwyn levies for his army. However, after their numbers were seriously depleted Lothrim created his Orc hordes and the Tulwyn were cast aside and eventually rebelled.

150TR - A brave overchief decided to raid the Elven forest. He and his entire army were lost in a magical storm while crossing the Farin River.

691TR - The tribes unite to attack the Thardic Republic's stronghold Fort Taztos. Many lives were lost and the attack failed, however, the Ramala Legion still talks of the epic battle.

720TR - The Overchief Kirandar the 39th dies while receiving tribute from a merchant caravan. His successor leads a major uprising blocking the Salt Route, massacring merchant caravans and large elements of the Ramala Legion while raiding settlements in the Shiran province.


The Tulwyn are considered excellent quality light infantry.

Warriors believe armor is cowardly and refuse to wear except for sturdy large shields which they can interlock to provide effective missile cover. They are equipped with good quality spears, bows and axes. The warrior elite may be equipped with swords.

In mass combat the Tulwyn armies form up in deep wedges called spears, with elite warriors at the point and young or inexperienced warriors in the middle. The coordination of the spears is impressive with the Tulwyn able to rapidly maneuver their attacks to the flanks or weak spots of their enemy. Their mobility puts to shame that of the best legions.

They are also effective at ambushing and cutting supply lines. Their tactics are well developed and effective.

Their military prowess has kept them fiercely independent even from the technologically superior Thardic Legions. Any battle against the Tulwyn will involve heavy casualties, and the Tulwyn believe death in combat is the noblest of deaths.

The Turenkemri

Many of a tribe's best warriors are Berserkers, often building up a terrifying battle frenzy and forming the head of any battle formation. Their battle frenzy is often enhanced by the potent herbal strength potions.


Tulwyn believe in animism, all objects and animals possess spiritual forces and worship the demi-god of the wind Kekamar. Their shamans are called priests, who control the winds and act as tribal lore-keepers and historians.

Foreign spellcasters of both divine and arcane are considered evil spirits and killed on sight by the superstitious Tulwyn.

Every year under the full moon in the middle of Peonu, the entire nation gathers at Asenhem Hill for a tribal moot. Here the Priests reinforce religious beliefs, tribal unity and apply ranks and status onto worthy warriors.

Foreign Relations

The Tulwyn black or white view on everything has lead to a difficult relationship with their neighbors.

Thardic Republic - The republic is considered a threat and the expansion to territories east of the river Thard has provided significant opportunities for conflict. Additionally, the Ramala Legion has a fortified outpost (Fort Talzos) in the Tulwyn tribal range, which causes considerable tension.

Kingdom of Evael - The Tulwyn are superstitious and never cross over into the Kingdom of the Elves.

Chelni Barbarians - These horse-warriors are too mobile to effectively battle and are generally avoided. The Tulwyn will occasionally ally with the Chelni to battle Orc swarms.

Gozyda Barbarian - Both barbarian nations generally avoid each other seeing the Thardic Republic as a mutual enemy.

Gargun Nations - Orcs are killed on sight.

Agriculture & Industry

The tribes make extensive use of ingested brews of the mild poison Doshenkana. Tribe members build immunity to its effects by ingesting it in gradually increasing doses, starting as young children. Doshenkana is used in the tribes strengthen potion employed by elite warriors and berzerkers.

Trade & Transport

Tulwyn are always willing to trade for weapons, metals, and trade-goods. They can supply skins, furs, fish, and meat but more usually demand excessive tolls from merchant caravans


Tulwyn are good weapon crafters and blacksmiths. Their spears and arrow heads are particularly sharp and often barbed. Shields are well designed both light and able to withstand damage.

Geopolitical, Tribe
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities

D&D 5E Notes

The Tulwyn are essentially a society of Lawful Barbarians.

Priests take the Tempest Domain.

However the elite warriors can take the Primal Path of the Berserker.

Groups of warriors are very effective in mass combat gaining Pact Tactics (advantage on attacks if the attacker's ally is within 5 feet of the target).

Cover image: Sky header 7 by Attacus


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