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The 12 Guardian Great Wyrms of Mnemosyne

The 12 Guardian Great Wyrms of Mnemosyne are rumored to be a collection of the most ancient of dragons who exist to safeguard the world. They are said to remain dormant until they are needed and where last seen when Mnemosyne was shattered attempting to prevent it. It is unknown if they survived, died, or how many of them still live.
Wyrm Type Name
Red Ovynonth, The Conflagration
Black Umruth, The Void
Blue Xiervug, The Torrent
Green Fryrsi, The Verdant
White Eirvaynayr, The Recluse
Brass Eokeor, The Sandstorm
Bronze Aidrinel
Silver Zarleideil, The Watcher
Gold Siammai, The Thoughtful
Steel Turrai ,Lord of Blades/Lady of Pain
Crystal Aurora, The Multifarious
Planar Ziatheos, The Vast

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