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Aurora, The Multifarious (Ah-Roar-Ra)

Mother Aurora (a.k.a. The Multifarious)

Aurora, The Multifarious is one of the 12 Greatwyrms of Mnemosyne and one of the oldest of them. During the shattering of Mnemosyne she was one of those who tried to hold the world together and did so for a while despite being injured while doing so. Due to the fact that she was injured she couldn't use the entirety of her power to do so, however she could hold off long enough for the gods to step in and takeover.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Aurora is currently in hiding while she heals from a injuries she suffered before the cracking of Mnemosyne as well as those she suffered during it.  The afflictions she has range from fatigue and magical strain as well as several physical injuries. Due to these injuries she prefers to stay in a polymorphed state.

Body Features

Aurora is a Greatwyrm given as such she has a reptilian body in her true form and that of a athletic woman in her polymorphed form. Aurora as a dragon prefers good looking things and chooses an attractive form in her polymorphed form whichever race she chooses to appear as.

Facial Features

She has a scar on the left side of her face running from her hair line (in polymorphed form) to where her neck meets her head.

Identifying Characteristics

Aurora has a claw scar on the left side of her face with the eye that the scar passes over being milky white. Aurora is very self-conscious of it so while she is polymorphed she normally uses something to conceal it whether it be a veil or an eyepatch.

Physical quirks

Aurora has a hard time staying still, so if she is somewhere she is normally pacing around rather then staying still. She is also still fatigued from exerting herself all those years ago so she is pretty uneasy on her feet. If she has to move long distances she normally uses a cane to help her get around.

Special abilities

Aurora has the unique ability to divide herself up into smaller forms in order for her to prevent her from being debilitated completely. The catch to it is that one must always be active at any given moment. She also has the ability to create golems to help her with her work.  Class wise she is considered a 20th Level Sorcerer(Draconic Bloodline) , a 15th Level Rouge(Arcane Trickster), 17th Level Druid(Circle of the Shepherd), and a 8th Level Wizard(Chronurgy) her total level is 60.

Apparel & Accessories

Aurora is always impeccably dressed (in her polymorphed form) adorned with jewelry. She normally has a cane which has  gilded handle in the shape of a dragon with a diamond set into its open mouth , a pair of emeralds set into the eye sockets , and ruby and sapphire claws. She uses her cane as an arcane focus (in her polymorphed form), although being a dragon she doesn't need one. She just does so to keep up appearances.

Specialized Equipment

Aurora's Cane:

Personality Characteristics


She wants to recover from her injuries, she also want to do everything in her power to reunite Mnemosyne. She wants to do this for two reasons. First to complete what she was trying to do when Mnemosyne was originally was broken. Secondly she wants to reunite Mnemosyne so that her friend Aramil can return home and go back into retirement and spend time with his family. Although she does know Aramil's wife came with him from the Feywild she just wants her friends to be happy.



Self-Conscious about her appearance


Aurora, The Multifarious

Friend (Important)

Towards Aramil Faemyst-Adinerach



Aramil Faemyst-Adinerach

Friend (Important)

Towards Aurora, The Multifarious



True Neutral
Current Status
In Hiding
Current Location
Centuries old
Date of Birth
Date of Death
Circumstances of Birth
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
Current Residence
Below the Stone Tree
One cloudy milky white eye and one eye that changes color depending on her mood (Multicolored in True form)
Long Brown in loose curls ( Prismatic in true form)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan with three scars on the left side of her face (Multicolored scales, with a claw scar running from her face to the top of her neck in true form)
5'11"( 500' 11" In true form)
180 lbs. (90 tons in True Form)
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan, Dwarf, Druidic, Arcane

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