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The Church of the Protector

The Church of the Protector seeks to protect not only indivisuals but the world as a whole should that lead to conflict then so be it, however let the conflict be swift and desisive as not to incur needless damage to either side or to the places where the conflict is contested.


The Church is broken up into three stratum tier structure system. The highest tier is known as Fidelity's Crown which consists entirely of the robed preisthood.

Tenets of Faith

The Church of the Protector have a simple charter. It sees that the more simple the charter the easer it will be to follow. The first is "Those who are unable to defend themselves are those who need it most". The second is "Offer training to those who seek it". The last is "Honor the decision of those who refuse your aid". The teachings can be further broken down into the tenants of each of the sects of the main church.  


The Order of the Adamantine Shield is a millitary order that focuses mainly on protecting highly dangerous areas as well as protecting important dignataries. They seek to ensure that their charges weather they are locations or peolpe remain secure and safe.The order is comprised of the most experianced combatants in the whole Church of the Protecters. They seek only to defend never to go on the offencive. The members of this Order include Paladins, Rangers, Fighters, Barbarians, Rouges, Wizards, and Clerics. They follow the following tenets.
  1. Life should be defended at the cost of ones life if need be.
  2. Protected life is not limited to your opponent, but all life wheather it be biolgical or natural.
  3. One must not disspoil their environment for all things have there place in the greater picture
  4. The Greater Picture encompasses all things from the largest mountian to the smallest grain of sand
  5. Develop a practice of mindful stewardship and mindful consumption.
  6. Practice gratitude and reverence for the gifts of the natural world.
  7. Honor the wisdom of the elders and the knowledge of traditional ways.
  8. Respect the diversity of cultures and beliefs, and embrace the opportunities for mutual learning and understanding.
  9. Educate and empower others to protect and conserve the environment.
  10. Foster a deep respect for the future generations and the legacy we leave them.


The Order of the Fertile Field although a millitary order their focus is mainly on protecting the natural order as well as the environment as a whole. They seek to ensure that depleateable resources are not depleated as well as the dealing with poachers and trafficers of animals. The members of this Order include Paladins, Rangers, Druids, and all those who seek to preserve nature. They follow the following tenets.
  1. Life should be defended at the cost of ones life if need be.
  2. Protected life is not limited to your opponent, but all life wheather it be biolgical or natural.
  3. One must not disspoil their environment for all things have there place in the greater picture
  4. The Greater Picture encompasses all things from the largest mountian to the smallest grain of sand
  5. Develop a practice of mindful stewardship and mindful consumption.
  6. Practice gratitude and reverence for the gifts of the natural world.
  7. Honor the wisdom of the elders and the knowledge of traditional ways.
  8. Respect the diversity of cultures and beliefs, and embrace the opportunities for mutual learning and understanding.
  9. Educate and empower others to protect and conserve the environment.
  10. Foster a deep respect for the future generations and the legacy we leave them.


The Order of the Impregnable although a millitary order their focus is mainly on protecting those who risk their lives in the presuit of the well being of others such as feild medics and battle clerics. They seek to ensure that those who wish only to tend to the injuries of others remain protected. Among their duites they are presant whenever a female soldier who is expecting is deployed to a battlefield or a defensive post, because in the event that the time comes for her to give birth they will act as midwives and defenders of the soldier while she is giving birth. The members of this Order include Paladins, Fighters, Druids,and Clerics . They follow the following tenets.
  1. Life should be defended at the cost of ones life if need be.
  2. Protected life is not limited to your opponent, but all life wheather it be biolgical or natural.
  3. One must not disspoil their environment for all things have there place in the greater picture
  4. The Greater Picture encompasses all things from the largest mountian to the smallest grain of sand
  5. Develop a practice of mindful stewardship and mindful consumption.
  6. Practice gratitude and reverence for the gifts of the natural world.
  7. Honor the wisdom of the elders and the knowledge of traditional ways.
  8. Respect the diversity of cultures and beliefs, and embrace the opportunities for mutual learning and understanding.
  9. Educate and empower others to protect and conserve the environment.
  10. Foster a deep respect for the future generations and the legacy we leave them.


tThe Clerics of the Church of the Protector often are dressed in simple robes embellished with furs over plain looking armor. The armor they wear is emblazoned with symbiology of wolves and shield motifs. Clerics are trained from a young age by the previous generation. The clerics are adorned with cords of office that are comprised of wolf teeth. The more teeth on the cord the higher their rank, high priests are normally female but male high priests are not uncommon.

The next rung in the hierarchy are the Trainers these promoted members of the lowest level in the priesthood. A Trainer is normally seen holding one of the following a blunted sword, spear, or axe. Those who wield the sword are known as Fidelity's Claws. Those with the axes are known as Fidelity's Jaws. Those with the spears are known as Fidelity's Hide. The main job of the trainers are to act as instructors to the new members of the faith.

The lowest level of the priesthood is the largest group consisting of all of the followers of the church. This group is comprised of two main groups. They are the Laity and the populace. The laity are normally the military force of the church who have the ability to rise up to trainers. The populace have the possibility to be chosen by a cleric to join their ranks.


The Church of the Protector has three branch organizations all of which embodies one of aspects of Fidelity. They are "The Defender", "The Nurturer", and "The Stalwart". These sects have occupied different roles in the world. The three sects are known as  THE ORDER OF THE ADAMANTINE SHIELD,THE ORDER OF THE FERTILE FIELD, and THE ORDER OF THE IMPREGNABLE BASTION

"The Sharpest Blade is Not One Raised in Anger, But One Used to Defend Something Dear to You"

Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Church of Cowards, The Impregnable Sanctum, The Welcoming Hand
Formation Type
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Controlled Territories


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