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The Sisters of the Crimson Tide

The Sisters of the Crimson Tide are a third of the clergy of the Cult of the Crimson Maiden who revere the mother of the Crimson Maiden herself. The members of the order are hard to miss due to the fact they clad themselves in crimson robes or leathers and are always well armed. The most distinctive feature of a Sister of the Crimson Tide is their featureless crimson mask.  

Classes within The Sisters of the Crimson Tide

The Blades of Sanguina

Rouges affiliated with the Sisters of the Crimson Tide are known as The Blades of Sanguina. The sisters who have followed in the footsteps of their founder and goddess Sanguina wear blood tanned leathers and are decked out in weapons both visible and hidden. Blades of Sanguina follow the more vicious aspects of their faith and revel in it. Rouges of the Sisters of the Crimson Tide gain proficiency in religion.


Broken in to thirteen convents, twelve of which specialize in various aspects (The D&D Classes) of there goddess. The last of which is comprised of the hierarchy of the entire order. The Heads of the twelve convents and the Grand Priestess comprise a council that oversees all the sisters


The Sisters of the Crimson Tide although they always remain masked they pride themselves on making their societies better. Although they have only twelve convents the twelve are broken into numerous conclaves located in numerous regions. There are several notable conclaves such as the Verdeckt conclave of The Instinct of Sanguina (Rangers) which cultivate Garuda (Roc/Vulture Hybrids) to great effect, and the Grand Conclave located in the city surrounding the Crimson Citadel of the Radiance of Sanguina whose medical prowess is second to none so much so that there conclave is known as the Hospital of Sanguina

Mythology & Lore

Sanguina of the Crimson Sea, the mother of the Crimson Maiden was in her time revered as a master assassin boasting a perfect ledger. Upon leaving the side of Zunite with her daughter she swore off taking the lives of anyone else. She was so consumed with love for her daughter that she attempted to purge her body of the souls of all of those lives she had taken in the hope that it would bring her peace and understanding of the reason why she took the path that she had. Once the purge was done all Sanguina found was anger. A undying anger that burned within her chest.

Divine Origins

Sanguina's rage would smolder throughout her time with her daughter but she refused to act on it until she was certain that her daughter was old enough to leave her side and had absorbed everything she was willing to teach her. When her daughter was gone Sanguina began to travel the world recruiting those discarded women and girls teaching them as she did her daughter, but she taught them her anger as well she also made them vow on their very lives that they would strip away who they where in order to exact Sanguina's terrible revenge on Zunite and anyone who follows his edicts. Thus the Sisters of the Crimson Tide where born.

We are the handmainds and wetnurses of our sister's flock

Unknown - Currently Active

Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
The Sisters of Slaughter
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles
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