The Twirlings

Written by Happy; Proofread by ChaosTearKitsune - Thanks a lot!
It's always funny to see strangers coming around here. They don't know about the Twirlings, so they just go right into the forest and then you hear screams. I'm always amazed by how fast they can run!
  Twirlings are a species of wasps that live mostly in the south of Menicea, that are larger than most of their cousins. Their name comes from the fact that they are so big that they can't fly fast. This is due to the size of their stinger and that they use the wind to travel long distances.  

Everyday Behavior

Twirlings live in nomadic swarms. They have a very particular way to collect pollen and make food out of it: Each individual Twirling is given an area in which it will harvest for the whole day. Their large size and slow speeds have improved their stamina so they can work for the entire day, unlike regular bees.   When dusk comes, the colony of Twirlings will gather on a large tree trunk. They make their food, eat, and wait for even the smallest breeze to fly off their roost and drift to another area. They will repeat this process all day before the queen is ready to lay down eggs.  


Due to their slow speed, Twirlings rely on their numbers when dealing with aggressors. Whenever a member of the swarm is attacked, it makes a very loud ultrasonic call that rallies all the nearby wasps. They surround the intruder and will try to sting it as much as possible. Twirling poison isn't a threat to Gerouns unless they get stung a lot in a short amount of time.   If their target is too fast, some individuals will sacrifice themselves and fly as quickly as possible to sting and slow down the creature. Even if they will most likely die in the process, it allows the other members of the swarm to catch up and secure the kill.  


Twirling queens do not lay eggs every day. They have a gestation period of two weeks, and during that time will eat a lot to produce strong larvas. When the queen is ready, the colony finds a safe tree trunk and will protect the queen while she spends the day laying her eggs. After she's done, the rest of the swarm provides the larvas with food, before leaving with the queen.   A few days later, the larvas will become a new swarm that will live for approximately a month.

Cultural impact

Twirlings are peaceful yet dangerous insects. People are warned to pay attention and not bother any Twirling swarms while traveling through forests.   Villagers in forests associate these insects with good luck. They say that having a swarm land on your house is a sign that it is clean and safe. This is why people often compliment clean homes with, "You must have Twirlings landing on your roof."
Main habitat
Southern Forest


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Jul 15, 2018 16:45 by Terry-Lynn L

I love this article, you go into so much depth with them! The image makes me very intimidated by them >A<   I also really love the cultural implications of them, and that they're considered a sign of cleanliness! It's something I never would have considered. : o Amazing job!

Jul 15, 2018 18:47

Is there any history to why people believe it is sign? Just curious about any history about the idea. Very cool creature and I love the quote phrase.

Jul 15, 2018 18:52 by Matthieu A.

It's just because these bugs look for safe and clean places to put their larvae inside. Thanks for the feedback ^^

Jul 15, 2018 19:53 by Matthieu A.

Also, if you liked the article, please consider clicking on the like button as it helps for WA summer camp :)

Jul 15, 2018 19:10 by mashley310

That art is beautiful (although the bug looks kinda scary)! And the queen lays an entire swarm's worth of eggs herself? Insects are crazy! I know you said the twirlings are considered good luck, but are they also feared? How much to they attack people in the area?

Jul 15, 2018 19:52 by Matthieu A.

Yup, the queen does that! She's really big though. These insects are not really feared, as they are peaceful and will only attack people who disturb them. There is very few attacks recorded since people were told to be careful   Also, if you liked the article, please consider clicking on the like button as it helps for WA summer camp :)   Thanks a lot !

Jul 15, 2018 19:59 by mashley310

Ahhhh! I always forget about the like button.

Jul 15, 2018 20:06 by Matthieu A.

Thanks a lot. I always feel bad for asking but it really helps so x)

Jul 15, 2018 21:43 by Tikal

Funny name, serious bug. That image made my skin crawl on its own.

Jul 15, 2018 21:47 by Barron

Very creative, very fun. Love it

Jul 16, 2018 19:56 by Matthieu A.

I didn't expect such a small article to get this much love. Thank you everyone !