Marcus Blackwood

Name: Marcus Blackwood   Title: The Dagin Hunter {Dag-in}   Status: Alive   AU: Terra   Job: None [Going to College]   Country: America [State: New York]   Motivation: He loves shooting People and using/dealing with Guns   Mental Flaw: He will almost refuse any other way of killing somebody   Sex: Male   Age: 2 Years Older Than Mio   Race: Human   Level: 1 "EXP: 0"   Height: 5,9       Strength: ?   Charisma: ?   Wisdom: ?   Intelligence: ?   Constitution: ?   Dexterity: ?       ---Extra Info---   He loves to shoot his Targets in Non Lethal Places so that he can watch as they slowly bleed to Death   He LOVES Guns   ---Powers---   Bullet Manipulation   Bullet Generation   Bullet Redirection   Scatter Shot   Bullet Hell {LOCKED}   ---Skills----   Marksmanship = Master+   ---Favor---   Unknown   ---Languages---   English   ---Stats---   Vitality: ?   Strength: ?   Magic: 0   Spirit: 20   Agility: ?


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