Ethniu Blackwood
Name: Ethniu [Eth-new] Blackwood
Status: Alive
AU: Terra
Job: City Manager
Country: America [State: New York]
Motivation: To become the most powerful Politician in the World
Mental Flaw: Selfishness
Sex: Female
Age: 39
Race: Human
Height: 5,4
Strength: ?
Charisma: ?
Wisdom: ?
Intelligence: ?
Constitution: ?
Dexterity: ?
---Extra Info---
She had been Mayor 4 Times
She was part of Congress but left after 2 Months
She has been shown to be willying and able to manipulate her Family for her own gains
Cian Blackwood = -21%
Vitality: 50
Strength: 10
Magic: 0
Spirit: 20
Agility: 8