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End Bringers

The End Bringers are relgious order of monks who worship negative aspects of the 10- Wheel of Fortune and negative aspects of 13- Death.


The monks of the End Bringers are loosely organized into groups of 10 or less, who effectively self govern each themselves. About once every 5 years the monks of each group elect a representative to in order to discuss religious doctrine and laws for the order.


Many people see End Bringers with a mix of respect and fear. The Terms of "Black Monks" and "Reapers" are given to them by the general public because of this. End Bringers are seekers of undead and ultimately want make sure they are not a threat to the general public, so they are at least torerated in places where such problems exist.

Divine Origins

The End Bringers came about through the understanding of the Plane of Souls and the natural cycle that souls take in the world of Moirai. Souls are born from The Grey, live their lives, return to The Grey, live their lives there, and the cycle repeats. The End Bringers believe that 13- Death  and 10- Wheel of Fortune are responsible for this cycle, and interuuptions to this cycle is to go against their will.

Cosmological Views

The creation of the world of Moirai is one that is highly debated amoung the End Bringers. Most of the monks beleive that the world itself was made collectively by The Fates as a whole, with 13- Death and 10- Wheel of Fortune being responsible for the cycle of rebirth. Some of the monks beleive that the world existed before hands and their deities stepped in to help guide it. Fewer still beleive that The Grey is a direct creation of 13- Death and 10- Wheel of Fortune  However, all monks of the End Bringers agree that the angels and Hellions of the Plane of Souls are a Nuisance.

Tenets of Faith

  • The cycle of life and death is sacred and needs to be protected
  • Undeath are a deviance from the cycle and must be stopped.
  • Angels and Hellions seek the souls of mortal for their pointless war. Avoid them if you can.
Religious, Monastic Order
Black Monks, Reapers


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