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Known Magic Types

Magic within the world of Moirai is the result of Aether being manipuiated in order to create an effect. There are various different ways to acheieve this, and they are given different terms to identify and explain what is happening. Keep in mind this is different from the schools of magic, which determines and defines the effect of the magic itself.

  The current list of known magical types is the following. Keep in mind that magical effects can have multiple types:  
  • Arcane: The pratical study and collection of knowlege in order to manipuate Aether. Think your classic wizard. They study magic in order to be able to cast spells. This collection of the rules and techniques for magic casting is what falls under "Arcane". While most spells are cast through the practice of ritual and incantations, Arcane magic is the pure applicational use of magic without attachment to outside forces or beliefs like other types of magic.
  • Innate: The control of magical forces through the very construct of the object or being itself. Sorcerers use Innate magic for exmaple. Their magic is due to their heritage and bloodline. Mythrial is an Innate magical metal due to being infused with Aether itself. Certian races are born with the ability to cast spells, which is innate magic.
  • Belief: The ability to cast magical abilities through sheer force of belief in a cause, ideal, or path. Paladins and Clerics use Belief magic. While many clerics beleive that their magic comes from The Fates, it is actually their belief in the deities that powers their magic. Additionally, this means that beleiving in something hard enough can cause magic to happen. Even kids can cast magic without meaning to sometimes.
  • Conduit: The casting of magic through an outside force other than the caster or object in order to perform the intended effect. Warlocks are conduit casters. Powerful entities within the world of Moirai are capable of sharing their magical powers with others, allowing them to mimic factions of their power. These entities control the flow of magic to said person or object, and can ususally cut off the magical effects at their discretion.
  • Natural: The casting of magical effects through natural effects of the world itself and the life within it. Druids, as you can imagine, cast Natural magic. Natural magic was the ability to draw Aether from plants and earth itself without harming anything. This also means that ordinary things that are exposed to enough Aether can become magical.
  • Psionic: The creation of magical effects through enhanced mental abilities, either learned or inherited. Ardents, Battleminds, and Psions use Psionic magic for their abilities. Psionic magic is unqiue in the fact that, unlike most magic spells, most psionic magic does not tpyically require incantations, hand gustures, or material components. Some races are even born with psionic magical abilities, which is considered both innate and psionic magic at that point.
  • Fate: The creation of magical effects through the manipulation of the weave of fate. Fate type magic changes the fate of an object, person, or place which can result in another type of magic type effect to occur. For example, if the fate of a land that is cursed is changed, that can result in fate magic, which can also be natural or innate as well. Fate magic is usually the result of interferance by one of The Fates or a being with Fate Weaving. Some divination magic also can leave traces of fate type magic.


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