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The Olseer are strange alien looking race that orginally came from The Beyond, but have now settled in The Material Plane. While they are outwardly hidious and scary, inwardly they are very kind and friendly.

Basic Information


It is very rare for Osleer to reveal their bodies to other creatures due to theiur knowledge of how they appear. An Osleers body is tall and lanky, with light to dark grey skin and black veins that roung over the course of thier hairless bodies. They have sharp teeth and jet black eyes without pupils. Additionally, they only have three digits on each hand, and two massive toes on their feet

Growth Rate & Stages

A child Olseer typically becomes an adult at 15 years old.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Osleer have an inante psionic ability (See Known Magic Types) to be able to sense and feel the emotions of those around them. They use this ability in order to adjust how they act around each other and other beings.
250 year average
Average Height
6 to 7 feet tall average
Average Weight
175 pounds average


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