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Like most of Havran, the majority of the population is that of Tieflings. However, there is a large number of giant folk in Voroele as well, such as goaliths and firbolg here as well.


Voroele is ruled by a lord or lady that is appointed by the ruling family of the Bolton Kingdom.

Industry & Trade

The settlement main purpose is to provide rarer resources that cannot be found throughout the rest of Havran. Obsisdan is a valuable reosurce in the world, as well as various ores and chemicals that come from the volcano of the Mouth of Rage.


This town has a very unique wall along the edges of it that faces the Mouth of Rage. Along the side that faces the volcano, the town has an wall made of a special mix of obsisdian and steel known as Hell Iron. It is able to completely resist the effects of the rare lava flow that goes towards the town and divert it away from the town.




The town itself has been designed as much as possible in order to be able to survive the occasion lava flow and small eruption that comes from the Mouth of Rage. For example, the town itself is shaped like a wedge in order to direct lava away from the center of town. The roofs of the town are contructed of iron plates in order to preventing burning rocks from ignighing the town.


Found near the Mouth of Rage and in the Burning Forest, the town is a strange location of Pine forest and newly forming island. It is also one the towns that is located the furthest south in Moirai, it can be a strange mix of snowy pine forest while sections of the forest and mountain are burning at the same time.


Generally cold, being located in the Icy Lane to the south of Moirai.


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