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Bolton Kingdom

The Bolton Kingdom is a kingom that exists in the middle of Havran. Mostly localized to the center of the cluster of islands, The Bolton Kingdom is a rich country that specializes in rare resoruces that it trades for what it needs with other countries. The people of the Bolton Kingdom like to dress in colorful clothes and express themselves with their crafts that they take great pride in.


The Bolton Kingdom is ruled by the Bolton royal family, but the power of the government is not centralized within just the royal family. Laws of the land are drafted by a legislature council known as the Devosian Zhall (Infernal for Council), which are then approved by the King or Queen of the Bolton family. Additionally, the Zhall have the ability to override the King or Queens decisions by a 2/3rds majority for the protection of the people. Voting for the Zhall is held once every 15 years, with candidates having to meet two major requirement in order to run for office. The King or Queen can ask for a new vote once per year in the event of scandal or tragedy, with approval of the Zhall itself.   1. They must be “well known by the people of kingdom”. This is usually met by having the endorsement of people of influence, such as guild leaders, town lords or ladies, company captains, and so on.   2. They must have “contributed to the good of the kingdom.” In recent history, large donations to the kingdoms treasury funds for public works has counted for this purpose, but Zhall members of the past have previously saved towns from threats or invented great works that benefited the kingdom in significant ways.


The people of Bolton are generally somewhat warry towards outsiders in most cases. Ignorant people sometimes confuse Tieflings for Hellions and even have attacked people in the kingdom on that assumption. As such, they are slow to trust newcomers and people from outside the kingdom itself. Once they are more comfortable with someone however, they are exceedingly charming and friendly towards those people they can relax around.   The same caution that makes sure they are safe also makes them shrewd traders and merchants.

Public Agenda

The Kingdom of Bolton's current goals are to open themselves up a bit more to the outside would and make people more famailiar with their people. With folk more comfortable with the Tieflings people, they can get around to one of their favorite pastimes; making money through trade.


The Kingdom of Bolton has access to wide variety of different resources due to the very island like nature of Havran. The kingdom is also very well known for their very high quality glassware thanks to the vast amounts of fine sand of their deserts they have. Their weavers have mastered techniques that allows them to craft some of the finest silken cloth in Moirai, which is useful for the desert capital life. Boltans also have swiftly picked up various styles of boat crafting so they can take their trade goods far and wide.



Demography and Population

The Kingdom of Bolton is the country with the highest population of Tieflings, as this is where they originate from.


The kingdom occupies the continent of Harvan. Also known as the “Shattered Isles”, Havran contains a vast mix of resources across its various lands that the kingdom uses to great advantage.



Foreign Relations

The Kingdom of Bolton has made itself well known at this point as a highly diplomatic and a favorable trade partner with other nations. There is some concern regarding their trade with the Wyverian Empire who are quite aggressive, which is spoiling their trade deals with Avalaunt. Additionally, Van' Riram is still having some difficulty with trading with Bolton Kingdom due to their perceived Hellion relation and the banned worship of 15- The Devil in their territory. As one would expect, their trade with the Tradewind Alliance is going quite well and is profitable for both parties.


The laws of the Bolton Kingdom are enforced by the Dune Guard, which is considered a part of the military of the country. Military service within the kingdom is a selective service, where candidates have to be approved. Many of those who apply for military service in the kingdom apply to be Dune guards as it is seen as a safer option.

Agriculture & Industry

Due to the Devasa Desert, growing crops is a quite diffuclt. Because of this, The Bolton Kingdom established the port/town of Lugeralk in order to help feed the city. Beyond other standard commerse goods and encessities of life, The Bolton Kingdom is also home of the best glass blowers in all of Moirai. Most royality around the world pay exorbant amounts of gold for their glasswear to be made in the Devosa.

Trade & Transport

The Bolton Kingdom, as is mostly made of islands, has invested heavily into their naval abilities. The Bolton Kingdom has extreamly high qulaity ships that are a mix of longhships with a triangle sail. These ships allow them to move quickly on the ocean and even though rivers as needed to get their good where they need to go.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Like most nations of Moirai, The Bolton Kingdom uses Gold coins as the basis of their economy. They coins are rounded on one side, and then have different edges on the other. This is so that each coin is roughly the same size, but can be quickly organized into different types by the number of edges using a sorting shape. Gnomish designers have even taken to designing machines that can quickly sort the coins as needed based on the edge shape.
Major Imports
The Bolton Kingdom has recently developed a high interest in fey goods and have established good trade relations with Oalandria.

Articles under Bolton Kingdom


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