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Eskon Restricted Territory

This area has been restricted since the destruction of the Dehlith Ground Base in 1 NE.

Ira'one System

Home system of the Eskon Exploration Institute

The following inhabited/formerly inhabited planets orbit the star Shak:
  • Esko | Shak-3
  • Delu | Shak-5
  • Gats | Shak-6
  • Mavrakir | Shak-7
  • Ulori | Shak-9
Esko is currently the only planet inhabited by intelligent life who remain isolated from and ignorant of space-faring technology in the northern continent of Anerone. Civilisation on other planets has been destroyed. The research base Olek-5 is the only activity permitted in the restricted territory, focused on studying the cultural and scientific development of the remaining isolated civilisation on Esko.

Hezilo'e System


Kyenzu System


Zuwano System


FB 3-8


  • Eskon Restricted Territory
Alternative Name(s)
The Restricted Zone
Included Organizations
Owning Organization


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