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Journal of Ra'il Avilien

"The ground has never been so unstable - I fear it may be the end for us all. But what horrors I have contibuted to! Was I truly never aware?"

"I intend for this log to be a record of my achievements, now that I have been deemed worthy by the EEI."


The Eskon Exploration Institute requires all high-ranking officials to record a daily log of events.

Document Structure


Each entry corresponds to a day when Ra'il Aviliyen had recorded a log.

Publication Status

The large majority of the journal is classified. The only widely studied passage is the final entry from 1 NE titled "All that lives will die".

Historical Details


The journal documents the day-to-day life of a high-ranking official until the day of the final destruction.
Record, Logbook
Digital Recording, Various
Authoring Date
7 BR
Signatories (Organizations)
"I believe the foundations of Dehlith have been targeted by the rebellion. The barrier has already been taken down - no doubt the southern ocean will start rushing in at any moment.  
And who am I to stop it?" - Ra'il A. 644.1.23

Articles under Journal of Ra'il Avilien


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