Plainar Summoning Spell in Moon Fall | World Anvil

Plainar Summoning


Move a creature from one plain into the plain for which the spell is cast.

Side/Secondary Effects

If not preformed correctly side effects include but are not limited to:
  • The entity is transmuted into a creature from your plain but retains its mind
  • The entities personality is permanently changed in a random way
  • The entity may have more or less limbs than it had in its original plain
  • The entity may be a mindless husk
  • The entity may appear inside out
  • The entity may be partially or completely paralyzed
  • The entity may have its body parts in the wrong places and/or order


The power is channeled from the entity itself. Ensure the entity you are attempting to summon has the requisite strength for the process.
Material Components
  1. A ghost bound still bound to its physical remains
  2. An item enchanted to transmute mater into more matter
  3. An item enchanted to strengthen the entities resolve as it moves between the plains
  4. Fresh blood of a dying person
  5. Three spells written and spoken during the ritual.
    • A spell to open a path between the plains
    • A spell to call an entity from that plain into yours
    • A binding spell to hold them in your plain
Gestures & Ritual
  1. Must be preformed within the influence of a being of great power
  2. Inscribe the 3 spells in a nested octagonal pattern into the floor
    • The outer octagon opens a door between the plains
    • The middle octagon calls an entity from that plain into yours
    • The inner octagon binds them to this plain
    • In the center inscribe the entities name
  3. Pour the undying ashes into the mug which should be on the floor
  4. Begin chanting the spell opening
  5. Drape the scarf over the mug
  6. Begin chanting the spell of calling
  7. Bleed a person. Ensure that as they die their blood flows over the scarf and into the mug
  8. Begin chanting the spell of binding
  9. Tip the mug over, allowing the blood and ash to spill across the floor.
  10. Ensure the contents spill onto the name.
Related Discipline
Related School
Evocation, Transmutation, Enchanting, Conjuration
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
2 minutes