Adris Emberfall

Adris Emberfall

Adris Emberfall is a fibolg druid who has taken to tending the Scarlet Hills. The party first encountered him when investigating the source of smoke from something burning. They found that he was burning fennel patches. He stated that after a boar injured a child, Duke Hueck set a bounty on boars. As more boars were slain, there was not as much fennel eaten by them. The overgrowth of fennel meant that the rabbits had more patches to hide in, which meant that the eagles were starving because the rabbits were harder to hunt. So he was trying to restore the balance.   After speaking with the party, he asked if they would join him to tell stories to a dying tree, stating that the tree knew all of his stories. He translated the stories to the tree, speaking with plants. He bid the party farewell and invited Illevaere to stop in to see him anytime.
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