Boora Coven Organization in Moontide Isles | World Anvil

Boora Coven

The Boora Coven resides in a shack in the middle of Boora Bog. Most of the residents of the bog avoid going near here at any cost. Cruinn Taithligh, a twelve-year old girl missing from Eastbridge, resides here as a "guest" of the hags. She acts as the doorkeeper to the hags, telling anyone who wishes to enter that they must offer a gift to the hags--and it must be something that is valuable to the owner, otherwise they will suggest something for them to give instead.   The coven consists of three hags:   Mother Mayeye appears the eldest of the three, looking like a bent, scrawny old crone with a unkempt white hair and a toothless smile.   Auntie Toadstool appears matronly, plump and middle-aged with black hair with wisps of gray running through it.    Sweet Sophia appears as a maiden, young and slender with raven hair and a pretty face, but with wicked, wicked eyes that reflect a darkness within them.   The coven act as a democracy--if there is a disagreement, the majority wins to settle a dispute, such as if a gift should be accepted.   The party met the hags to get a blessing on ogre hair, but had to pay a price to enter and for the favor.   Levi offered an old book that was a part of his family, but he could not read.   Rieta offered a minute of her time.   Before Tertius could accept an price, Levi took the bargain on his behalf, offering a word for a word.   To receive the blessing, Rieta took Mother Mayeye's bargain to give an embrace to Cinaed MacPharlain in Eastbridge and say that it was from Mother Mayeye. When following through on the task, Cinaed's strength seemed to fade as he withered from the embrace--though his being deposed offered Malthus Normal an opportunity to take over the thieves guild in Eastbridge.   Since leaving the hags, Rieta disappeared from the party, seeming to be called for the minute of her time. Later, the party discovered that another "Levi" was at the guildhall, making them believe that it had to do with the book that Levi had given the hags.
Religious, Coven