Bronwyn Character in Moontide Isles | World Anvil


Bronwyn was born in the small town of Ross Plunk to a farming family. When she was twelve, she was out in the forest and ate some berries that ended up being very poisonous. As her stomach burned, she headed back to her town, but collapsed on the way and laid there on the ground, eyes open and unable to move. After a bit, a raven flew down and perched down near her. Ravens are said to be sent by the goddess Morganna to take the souls of the dead to the afterlife. The raven watched her for a few moments, then started to caw and flap its wings. She felt a draining from her as the raven seemed to be taking her soul.   But suddenly an arrow flew out, piercing the raven and slaying it. She sees a tall pale man, gaunt and clad in all black leather. He has long black hair and has a bow with him and a hawk circling him that swoops down and takes the raven’s corpse, flying off with it to devour it. The man looks at her and gives her a small smile and nod, then continues on his way, leaving her there paralyzed and unable to move.   Her body is found by someone in her village, but he assumes she is dead. He checks her, but does not find a pulse. He takes her body back and they ready to bury her. She is in a coffin, the lid closed as she hears the village folk give a eulogy and the coffin is moved to be buried. That is when she can feel herself able to move again. She pounds on the coffin lid to be released. The gravedigger sees her emerge from the coffin and starts to give warding signs of protection against evil. She is alive, but the town believes she is returned from the dead and everyone is frightened of her, avoiding her if not directly speaking against her. She is eventually forced to leave her village.   She finds herself over the next few years having to pick pockets and steal to survive. She is in the market square of a town cutting the strings of a money pouch to take when she hears a voice behind her say, "Not bad, but you could use a bit more practice." Turning, she sees a red skinned tiefling sitting there watching her as he eats an apple. He introduces himself as Malthus Normal and he offers to take her in and teach her. He is a part of a group that offers protection from the law for its members, the ability to train, security, food, and a place to live in exchange for working for the operation.   She finds that Malthus works for the Bookhouse Society–an organization that operates all through the isles. However, he is also the second in command of a thieves guild in Eastbridge under Cinead MacPharlain. Malthus is able to manipulate the situation so that eventually Cinead is removed from power and he takes over the thieves guild, tying it completely to the Bookhouse Society. She gathers that the Bookhouse Society is working toward some greater goal, but does not know exactly what it is. But she does know that they are seeking ancient tomes trying to find something in the old writings.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation